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^ daily dose of hurt yourself 😪

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^ daily dose of hurt yourself 😪

Enjoy the updates  while they last 💀


"I would like to apologize for the argument that day."

To say how Jungkook was shook to the core by the apology would be an impossible task. He fiddled with his fingers and shifted on his toes. He wanted to sob in embarrassment and shame.

He was the one who lied. He was to one who hurt Taehyung. And here is Taehyung, almost a week and a half later, apologizing to him?!

Well, to fill you up in, the next few days, after the argument with Taehyung, for Jungkook, went by in a blur. He was really busy all these days. It's been two to three weeks since he started working here and he's been working his ass off.

He has had two photoshoots till now and he has got a positive response from the staff and producers.

They will be announcing his debut for the first time after two weeks or so. Jungkook is literally so scared he might shit his pants.

But that's another topic.

Jungkook gulped and shook his head. "No, I'm the one that should be sorry. I hurt yo—"

Taehyung raised an eyebrow and then shook his head. He stopped him mid-sentence while raising his palm. Jungkook clamped his lips shut.

"Well, you should be, Jungkook. Absolutely, but you don't need to apologize just because I'm saying sorry to you.", he said sternly, his face blank.

Jungkook flushed. Yes, he was a coward. He wanted to apologize to Taehyung but he did not have enough courage to face him.

And of course, apologizing back to someone when they are apologizing to you sounds insincere.

"Also, I wasn't apologizing about whatever I said to you. I meant all the things I told you that day and wouldn't change my words for hell.", Taehyung then continued making Jungkook confused.

What are you sorry about then? He thought but did not dare ask.

Taehyung exhaled noticing Jungkook's expression painted with confusion. As clueless as ever. Taehyung mentally scoffed at his own thoughts.

"I'm talking about Junghyun."

Jungkook gulped and nodded. His son's name sounded so good from Taehyung's mouth.

"I had no right to judge you for having a child.", Taehyung said, "I am pretty upset about the fact that you just threw away all we had, I don't blame you but desperation doesn't suit you, Jungkook."

Jungkook bit his tongue.
Desperate. Yes, that's how he had sounded while saying— lying about, all these things to Taehyung.

"I should've been a little more mature. But as always, being the emotional fool I am. I took it to heart so... Yeah, I got carried away."

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