°CHAPTER - 27°

6K 319 82

Y'all be literally so greedy for updates smh
ENJOY, anyways!


"Baby, get up.", Jungkook whispered to his sleeping son as pats his head. He lets out a small smile as he sees him whine and push his hand away blindly as he turns around to snuggle to the pillow kept beside him.

Junghyun had his cheek squished to the pillow as he lay on his stomach.

Jungkook's eyes water as he recalls how Taehyung used to sleep the same way unlike Jungkook who sleeps on his back.

Another trait he got from his father.

He recalls his son's teary eyes as he got to know that Taehyung was his other father. The way he had instantly hugged him tightly, burying his face in his father's chest while he cried letting out little heartbreaking sobs.

Jungkook had never felt guilty, stupid enough — he did not realize that Junghyun needed his other father, not till now when he saw how Junghyun was so upset. Being blinded by his own ego, he had forgotten he had a child, a little boy who yearns for the love of his other parent.

"Your other father loves you too, Hyunie. He'll come back someday. He is just a lot busy."

Was what he always told his chil- their child whenever the little guy asked about it. The boy didn't say anything after that, he never did but that did not mean that it didn't bug his little brain.

He always believed in what his appa said, never doubted his own father but always used to think - why didn't his other father never come to home? Why didn't he bring him to school like other parents or his appa? Why did he never tell him any bedtime story? Why he never received a goodnight kiss from his other father?

Why hasn't he seen him?

Why did he never meet him?

What his little boy said yesterday broke his heart. The boy was already too much attracted to V, his idol, he loved him. To know that the boy almost didn't really believe him at first when he told him that, broke his already hurting heart.

Jungkook always feared what will happen when his baby got to know that V, who he calls his idol, his superman is actually his father!

Jungkook had been selfish.
He now accepts.

And somewhat wrong too...

He saw how broken Taehyung looked yesterday. He was sobbing nonstop along with his son while he had him pressed to himself.

Jungkook felt like the most cruel person alive when he saw the interaction between the Taehyung and their son.

How could he keep him away from his own father?

How could he keep Taehyung away from his own son?

Oh Jungkook, how selfish and petty have you been.

But isn't this a little too late for this realization? A voice inside him taunted.

Just because Taehyung had said things in the spur of moment in the past that he didn't mean, didn't mean that Jungkook could push him away from his son.

He could've been angry with him after telling him that he was pregnant. They could've tried co-parenting.

He had no right to do what he did.

Separate a father and a son.

Snatch the shadow of his own father from his child.

And Taehyung had came back after two days, didn't he? Just like he had promised.

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