°CHAPTER - 30°

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Fuck! It's already been thirty chapters?! 💀
Someone punch me, this is so hard for me and my lazy ass to believe that I actually did this 👉👈


Two Months Later
(The concert was in July, so it's October now)

It was a normal Wednesday morning, nothing special. Taehyung had just woken up and took a quick shower and  was drying his hair when the ring of his phone pierces through the silence surrounding him.

Warmth fuzzes his heart and a big smile takes over his face as soon as he glances at the screen that displays the name Angel Baby ✨. He doesn't waste any time in picking the call up.

"Hey, love!"

Taehyung smiles, hearing the whining from the other side of the phone.

"Mhh, who made my bunny this whiny in the morning?", he asked softly.


"Aww, baby. I'll there in a few minutes."

"Yeah, okay.", he said before quickly switching off the hair dryer. "Bye, love." He hangs up the call, throwing his phone on the vanity beside the dryer.

He sighed, a fond one. "Don't know what my little devil did this time around.", he muttered to himself. He just hopes Jungkook isn't too angry on the little one this time.

Taehyung smiles to himself as he ruffles his  permed hair, which were just two days old. He quickly shrugs off his bathrobe and walks into his closet to take some of his comfortable clothes out.

He doesn't really bothers to take something for a breakfast because he knows he's gonna eat downstairs in Jungkook's apartment anyways. After all, it's been kind of a ritual for them to eat breakfast and dinner together.

It's not been even twenty minutes after the call when he is standing in front of Jungkook's apartment, ringing the bell.

He does know the code to his apartment but he doesn't really like to barge in just like that so he opts for the bell.

Okay, that sounded like a stupid cover up. The main thing is — he likes how he rings the bell and then gets to hear some, almost inaudible but adorable bickering through the door. It's not even clear but it makes him feel giddy. It makes him feel something, he feels welcomed, almost loved, when the door is opened and he is greeted with a big smile with bunny teeth peeking through the lips.


Taehyung's day brightens instantly as he spots his son, his little light.

"Good morning, my little handsome prince.", Taehyung cooes as he leans down to take Junghyun in his arms.

After sharing their regular dosage of pecks, the father and son duo walked into the dining area which also had an open kitchen which gave a very clear view of Jungkook who was cooking breakfast probably.

He was shirtless with his airpods on, his brows furrowed as he stared at the tablet in front of him. He was beating eggs while looking into the tablet and trying to sing. He was trying to practice the song he was to record today for his first album as a group member.

Oh, and it's been two months since Jungkook's debut. His debut album had a good kick start. Many of the people loved the songs. He got an incredible amount of support and he was really happy about it.

One of his songs even featured in the Billboard top 10 songs for two weeks at #8, and he was elated about it. It wasn't #1 but it still meant so much to him.

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