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You all must be so fed up of me. I just keep updating whenever🤣

It's just... I don't think I can ever follow an update schedule 💀

I write, I update
There's no wait


"Okay, well... So, by the time this drip ends, this little baby will be as healthy as ever." The doctor smiled at the boy who was sniffling and scooted closer to Taehyung who was sitting behind him. The doctor chuckled how Taehyung frowned and wrapped his arms around the boy as if protecting him from the doctor.

The assistant doctor besides the senior doctor snorted and Jungkook shook his head in embarrassment.

Junghyun had cried earlier when they were pushing the needle in his wrist for connecting the IV, obviously...he was just a child after all. Jungkook was holding the arm of the boy in his hold gently so he doesn't yank the IV by accident while an angry Taehyung was sitting behind the boy rubbing his head and back to stop him from crying.

Why angry you ask? Well, apparently to him, the doctor was too harsh in putting the needle in his baby's hand and he deems he could've been more gentle and considerate so as to not hurt him.

He had even shouted at the assistant doctor as soon as Junghyun started crying. Jin had to hold him back so he doesn't create a chaos.

Jungkook was rather calm. It wasn't his first time seeing something like that. And he knows it was painful for the little one but some things have to be done.

"Tae hyung!", Jungkook hissed at him, "Stop glaring at the doctor and say sorry to the other one."

Taehyung looked at him and then pursed his lips. "I'm sorry, Doctor. I was just... worried.", he apologized half-assedly to the doctors and they both shared a laugh.

"It's okay. We often come across people like that.", the doctor said. The assistant doctor nodded, "Yeah, it has almost become a part of my job.", he said, obviously irritated.

"Hyunie...", Jungkook called out, "Baby, say thank you to doctor. He gave you medicines, right?", he coaxed the boy who looked up from in between Taehyung's large arms, looking absolutely adorable there. He pouted and mumbled softly, "Than koo, doctol!", before looking down.

The doctors both smiled and then walked away after telling Jungkook to inform him when the drip is about to end.

As soon as the doctor walked away, Jungkook turned to glare at Taehyung who avoided his eyes by closing his eyes and cuddling the little boy.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Please try to be a little mature, hyung. He is four, I understand but you aren't five anymore.", he scolded.

"Baby, look! Your appa is scolding me!", he started fake-crying to Junghyun who started giggling.

"Tete scawred?", he asked while giggling adorably with a palm on Taehyung's face.

Taehyung nodded into his hand with a sullen pout. "Your Appa is scary.", he whispered to the boy and they both shared a laugh.

Jungkook could just sit and look at them.
These cute little shits.

The boy's fever was normal but he ate a few bites of the beosut bokkeum that Jin was eating ,which is Korean stir fried mushroom, and the doctor deems that Junghyun is allergic to mushrooms.

Jungkook doesn't really remember Junghyun having this problem before with mushroom but he doesn't really remember Junghyun even having mushrooms before so he now notes it down for the future. It was a good thing that he's not highly allergic to them or else it would have caused a problem.

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