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The update is a little late?

This chapter will be a flashback.
It will potray Taekook from 4 years ago!

 It will potray Taekook from 4 years ago!

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If you wonder, they looked like this

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If you wonder, they looked like this.
Basically 2016 Taekook.
They are around nineteen years old-ish.


"Mrs. Jeon. Hi!", Taehyung greets Jungkook's mother who was getting out of the house, probably going somewhere.

She turns to look at the young nineteen years old male, who was the boyfriend of her son. She smiles at him. "Good morning, Taehyung, honey."

"You look really beautiful this morning. Are you going somewhere?", he asks her giving her a wink and smiles charmingly.

Mrs. Jeon chuckles and slaps his arm. "Stop flattring. And yes, was going for a outing with some friends.", she says.

"Oh, that's great. Um, is Jungkookie still sleeping?"

Mrs. Jeon sighs. "Yeah, don't know why though. He was quite upset yesterday. Don't tell him but I think he was crying too 'cause I heard his voices last night.", she says frowning.

Taehyung's face falls. "I think he's upset because the results of the second round are still not announced.", he mumbles.

Mrs. Jeon smiles and shakes her head. "It's okay. Go and talk with him. He'll be fine then."

"Yeah, I'll do that. Of course, that's my responsibility.", Taehyung says, playfully puffing his chest out, making Mrs. Jeon giggle.

"Hm, Kook's dad is not home as well. We'll be back till evening. You can stay here, okay?"

Taehyung smiles. "Of course. You can go without any worries. I'll take care of your Kookie.", he says.

Mrs. Jeon shakes her head at the cheeky male but leaves.

Taehyung quickly closes the door and jogs up to the room, singing and giggling giddily. He was, of course, in heaven. He got a whole day to spend with his Jungkook. Alone.

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