°CHAPTER - 19°

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I got so excited with 6K reads that I wrote this chap so fast... In like... 2 hours?

Thank you🥺

I'm sleepy af. My eyes are burning (O_O)
But I still wrote this...

Finally I followed my update schedule for once 😭
Me is proud of myself


"I- what hospital?", Jungkook asked hurriedly. He was loosing his mind. His poor baby must be so scared.

"HOSPITAL?", Taehyung exclaimed with wide eyes. "What happened to Hyunie?", he asked as soon as he heard Jungkook's panicked voice and the word 'hospital'.

Jungkook's gaze flickered to him for a moment before he was nodding into the phone. "Don't worry. I'm coming.", he said in a hoarse voice, "It might take some time though." Because they were still at a lot of distance from the dorm.

He then turned to Taehyung after ending the call.

"Hyunie fainted because of the fever-"

"WHAT?!", Taehyung literally shouted startling Jungkook, "Is he okay? How's he now? No..actually, where? Which hospital?!", he asked hurriedly.

Jungkook sighed, shaking his head. "He's okay now.", he told him before turning his head to face the driver.

"Can we drive faster? I need to be somewhere soon.", he requested him, almost pleading. He just wanted to fly to the hospital, if possible.

He can't though. Obviously.

The driver nodded, in understanding and asked him, " Of course, sir.", he said, "Which hospital?"

Jungkook glanced at Taehyung who quickly checked his watch out. He said he had important work at home. He shook his head at the driver.

He could've taken a cab but no, they were kinda on the outskirts of the city right now.

"Um.. No, to the dorms. I'll go to the hospital myself." Out of the corner of his eyes he could feel Taehyung frown. "Hyung has some work at home too. Just-"

Taehyung latched his arm around his bicep and pulled him back so he was sitting on the seat properly. "Stop being stupid.", he gritted his teeth. "Junghyun is ill, Jungkook. We are going to the hospital. Right now.", he told him.


"What?", Jungkook looked at him a bit startled. "What will you do in the hospital? Just go home, I'll go see him."

Taehyung clenched his jaw. "You think I'll be able to concentrate on my work after knowing that my baby is in the hospital?", he asked, frowning. "Don't argue. I'm coming along.", he declared.

Jungkook almost blanched at two things. He wanted to push Taehyung out of the moving car.

'Not being able to concentrate!'
'My baby?'
What the fuck is wrong with you? He wanted to scream on his face.

See, that's what he was worried about. Taehyung can't get so attached to Junghyun. But he did get attached.

God dammit. He should've requested the authorities if he could live alone rather than in the dorm building.

That's gonna be a threat to his protection but he will save his son and himself from the misery. The bigger one.

Well, at least he would save himself.
Ugh, this has to be done. Otherwise... No, that can't happen.

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