°CHAPTER - 47°

6.4K 323 91

Sorry can't be enough to apologize now.
Just know I'm very very grateful to each and every person reading this❤

Thank you so much really!
You all heal me so much


"C'mon, Jungkook!", Taehyung groaned. "Let's go. We're late."

"Wait for five more minutes!" Jungkook screamed from inside the bathroom.

The older sighed, glancing at his phone. It was almost time. They were to attend Junghyun's PTM today and Taehyung has been on his toes since morning. It was the first time he's attending one for his son. Something or other always came up at the times before, and Taehyung was definitely not gonna waste this one chance he's got.

"Jungkook, I swear to God if we get late because of you-"

"Shut the hell up! The timings are from 9 to 12 , we can go anytime in between, we don't have to be there at 9'O clock, so sit your ass back and let me shit in peace!"

"You're shitting? Literally? You just said you were getting ready." Taehyung's disbelief was clear in his voice.

Jungkook groaned. "Just go away!"

"Dada! Tannie peed on the floor!", Junghyun screeched running into the room and latched himself around Taehyung's leg, a giggling mess and Yeontan ran after him woofing and wagging his tail mischievously.

"Bad boy, Tannie.", Taehyung frowned before dropping a quick text to the cleaning services of the building.

"Did you finish the drawing, my little tiger?" He picked the boy up before ruffling the fluffy mop of hair fondly.

"Nope! Tannie distulbed me." He pouted. Taehyung cooed as he walked out and into the living room and sat Junghyun down on the table.

"Compete it quick, bub. We gotta leave soon."

Taehyung walks back into the bedroom after putting Junghyun on table for work. He pauses for a moment when he sees Jungkook fresh out of shower in his trousers.

Okay, maybe a little correction there.

Jungkook just in his trousers.

Taehyung gawked at Jungkook's pale smooth skin in awe. His bulging muscles, and skin that looked like molten gold.

The younger ruffled his hair before flipping them back and walking to the closet to fetch a shirt or something.

And the older just bit his lips, watching his flexing back muscles and firm ass.

Damn, how he'd trade his soul with the devil to just have his hands on that ass. Or that waist.

But he doesn't have to.

So, he walks towards Jungkook and corners him against the closet. Pressing his chest to his back, he whispers into the younger's ear, "Hey, my love!"

Jungkook yelps almost knocking Taehyung off as he turned around, startled. "Oh my God! Hyung!"

Taehyung hummed as he took a closer look at Jungkook's face.

The younger blinked at him. "What are you doi-"

"You look beautiful."

Jungkook's eyes widened. "Huh??"

Taehyung smiled, flicking Jungkook's hair back from his cheek and forehead.

"Long hair suit you. So pretty." Taehyung whispered, twirling a strand between his long fingers.

"Yeah?" Jungkook gulped. "Thanks, I guess." He mumbled quickly making Taehyung chuckle at the expression on his face.

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