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👆 Same, Jungkook

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👆 Same, Jungkook. Same. 🛐


"Thankuuu, Jinie!", the younger boy screeched in glee, jumping in his place as he waited for his uncle to hand him a box of the tasty treat in his hands.

"No worries, kiddo.", Jin said ruffling the hair of the kid.

"Uncle Jinnie ish best!!!"

Jin smiled widely, flipping his hair over his shoulder. "That's right. I'm the best."

The three-year old beside him nodded as he stuffed another spoon of his chocolate sundae into his little mouth, some staying at the end of his lips 'cause of his messy eating.

The older shook his head and wiped the ice cream off his face with a tissue. "Don't dirty your clothes, Jungoo. Your appa is gonna kill me.", he scolds the boy softly.

The boy passes him a toothy smile. "Sowwy, uncle Jinie.", he says smiling sheepishly.

They finish the ice cream in silence afterwards. The television playing random songs and the duo just bobbing their heads to the beats and gulping the frozen dessert down.

"When will Appa come back?", the boy asks after a few minutes. Jin glances at his wristwatch and shrugs. "Don't know. He might take long." And the boy pouts.

Jin scoots closer and caresses the boy's head. "Aw, is my baby missing Appa?", he asks the baby who nods his head sullenly.

"It's alright. Don't be sad. Uncle Jin is here. And since your Appa is not here, you can have another box of ice cream!", he says to cheer the boy up and walks up to the refrigerator and walks back taking out another two box of ice cream.

"Yaaayyyy!! I lob you, Jinie!!!", the boy screeches excitedly jumping in his place as he spreads his hands out, waiting for Jin to drop the box in his hands.

"Patience, my child.", Jin coos at the happy puppy expression of the boy. "I love you too but your Appa mustn't know we had ice-cream or rather actually two cups of it. I'm too young and handsome to die. World can't afford such losses. Alright?"

Of course, Jungkook must not know. He is very strict about Junghyun's diet. He does treat his baby with everything but in limits. But much to his dismay, his child is a picky eater, just like his other father. If he gets to know that Jin allowed Junghyun to eat two ice creams at once, haha ,hell will break loose.

Not like Jungkook can do anything to Jin or Jin is scared. The consequences will be on poor Jungoo.

"Yesh, yesh. Appa not knows.", the boy agreed, nodding his head as Jin drops the box in his hands.

And then Jin sits and opens his fourth box for the afternoon and starts gobbling the ice cream down.

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