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The update weeks starts officially today 💖
It's been two weeks, I missed this book

Oh, and congratulations to us for winning so many awards at the FMA 💅

I don't even know what to talk about! Jin receiving the award(BTS style ╥﹏╥) Jungkook's speechNamjoon playing with my little heart Taekook singing Magic ShopThier looks

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I don't even know what to talk about!
Jin receiving the award(BTS style ╥﹏╥)
Jungkook's speech
Namjoon playing with my little heart
Taekook singing Magic Shop
Thier looks

AAARGHH IDK but another iconic day❤


"But why blue?"

"Why not blue?", Taehyung raised a brow at Namjoon who shrugged.

"I mean, I don't understand why you suddenly show up with blue hair that too on a day when we have to shoot a MV.", he asked curiously making Taehyung scoff.

"I was thinking about coloring them for a long time now.", he shrugged. "So I asked Hyunie what color would look good on me and he said 'blue' because it's his favorite color.", he explained with a wide smile now on his face because of the mention of his son.

Jungkook snorted from where he was sitting, using his phone. "One day he'll say, 'Dada will look good bald' and I'll have fun watching you shave your head off.", he mimicked in  baby voice making everyone laugh.

Taehyung rolled his eyes in irritation. "So what? If my baby says I'll look good, I'll do it." He argued haughtily.

Jimin shook his head. "You're so fucking stupid.", he commented slapping the back of his head.

"Nevermind, what cake does Junghyun like, Jungkook?", Yoongi asked.

Jungkook looked up from his phone and hummed. "He likes chocolate as usual but he really likes ice-cream cakes. Those are his favorite.", he responded with a smile.

"Okay! So I'm getting him one!", Hoseok declared.

"And I'm getting him a customized one. He said he loves Pokémons!", Jimin cried out.

"I already booked him one.", Namjoon said smugly crossing his arms across his chest.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I think I'm the only one who didn't book a cake at this point.", he mused and looked over at Jungkook who looked so done with all this.

"Isn't that a bit too much of cake?", he asked increduled.

All of them scoffed. "He's four. The least number of cake he should have should be four.", Jimin sternly said.

"Oh?" Jungkook raised a brow at him. "Really now, Jimin-ssi? According to that you just turned twenty five a few days ago and you should've have had at least twenty-five cakes—"

Jimin groaned. "I'm not a kid. I don't like cakes.", he defended.

"And he is a kid!" Jungkook huffed. "He shouldn't eat so much of cake."

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