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Too ashamed to say even a sorry this time.
I can just bow my head in thankfulness.


Some things never change and perhaps that's why they're precious to us.

Taehyung smiled lazily as he woke up with Jungkook against him. He grinned when he noticed how he was almost hogging up Jungkook's whole body with his arms and legs.

He can't help but press his face closer to the neck of the younger and exhaling softly.

Never in the last few years he would've thought they would end up like this.

After his break up with Jungkook, he never in his wildest dreams thought they would be back like this, together, cuddling on a lazy Sunday morning.

But if you were to ask teenage Taehyung, he would give you his best poker face with an increduled look in his eyes and say, 'Of course, we'd be together, forever.'

Oh, well, was he wrong though?

Perhaps wishing on shooting stars wasn't that much of a lie, he thinks now.

All those 11:11 wishes that he and Jungkook made by squinting their eyes aggressively shut didn't went in vain, after all.

And all those happy giggles Jungkook let out before chanting their names and blowing on those dandelions they found in the field.

Nothing goes in vain.

The universe has it's weird ways to let you meet your happiness and Taehyung knows it was Jungkook and Junghyun for him.

It wasn't long before he heard Jungkook shuffling and groaning before his eyes blinked open.

Taehyung steered his face away from his neck and pecked his nose.

"Good morning, pretty baby."

Jungkook blushed prettily, his face a little swollen, expression still a little lost for having just woken up but he still managed to smile for Taehyung.

"Good morning, hyung."

Taehyung plopped down back on his chest, hugging him even tighter making Jungkook laugh. "You still sleep like a baby."

Taehyung pouted. "I do not."

The younger snorted. "Yeah, and Junghyun is not the name of our son.", he retorted.

The older smiled bashfully. " Our son, oh my lord, I never would have thought I'll be listening to this while lying with you on the bed in our twenties."

Jungkook frowned, pushing away. What did Taehyung even mean? He pouted.

The older was confused before he noticed the expression on Jungkook's face. He laughed, hugging him again. "Aw, don't pout. You know I don't mean it like that!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes, a silly grin on his face. "You know what I think?"

Taehyung shook his head. "Nope, humor me."

"I think we're both stupid."

"In love, yes."

"And made some really dumb decisions."

"In love, yes."

"And we're immature."

The older couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of his throat. "Oh, hell yeah, definitely."

"But in love, hm?", Jungkook teased.

Taehyung swooped in to place a quick kiss to his lips, smiling against the soft petals. " A hundred percent, yes." , he whispered.

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