°CHAPTER - 45°

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Since, I'm sick & doing nothing, I might just update


"Kim fucking Taehyung! Come out right this instant!"

The startled man peeks out from the kitchen as he hears Jungkook shouting his name out. He walks out of the kitchen and into the lounge hurriedly.

"Hahah Jungkookie-"

"Don't Jungkookie me! Tell me why would you that?", he asks angrily cutting the older who was nervously laughing.

The older scratches the nape of his neck. "See, if you talking about the incident that happened at the schoo-"

"Yes! I'm talking about the very one.", Jungkook cuts him off sharply glaring at him.

What happened was- Taehyung was walking out of the playschool with Junghyun when a reporter basically attacked them in order to get a close up Junghyun's face.

Taehyung, obviously enraged, punched the shit out of him right there before the teachers called the police and Taehyung's hired driver cum bodyguard held him back from killing the man.

Jungkook came running back as soon as he heard about the incident from their manager who was trying to make sure the incident doesn't end up catching too much attention from the media.

Taehyung rolls his eyes. "Listen here Jungkook, he hurt my son and I hurt him. There's no explaning to do.", he states as a matter of fact.

Jungkook released a long sigh. "But that's not right. You're an idol Tae, you can't punch someone like that in public."

"I'm a father too and that's my child, Jungkook. How can you say this?", Taehyung asks angrily looking at Jungkook as if he was stupid.

"I didn't mean it like that.", Jungkook softly says and Taehyung huffs.

Jungkook sighs as he runs a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fuss this over it like that."

"I was just- scared... If something happens to Hyunie or even you... How-", he trails off softly.

Taehyung rests a hand on Jungkook's shoulder and squeezes it assuringly. "It's fine. Nothing is happening to us. I already sued him. He is gonna pay for what he did to my little boy.", he said, jaw clenched.

Jungkook shakes his head. "It's okay, Tae.", he says as he moves closer and rests his head on the older's shoulder who without wasting a second wraps his arms around his waist, a small smile appearing on his face at the intimate action.

Jungkook, still in the embrace, picks up Taehyung's right hand which was wrapped in a bandage. "See, you hurt your hand too.", he fusses again as he looks up to shoot an adorable glare at the older.

Taehyung chuckles as he frees his hand from Jungkook's hold and winds it around Jungkook's back, squeezing him into his embrace. "It does not even hurt. You should've seen the face of that fucker." He smirks letting out a chuckle and Jungkook slaps his chest lightly, small giggles leaving his mouth himself too.

"How was your recording?", Taehyung asked after a few seconds and Jungkook pulls away from him, a pout already forming on his lips.

"It was okay.", he sighs, "I couldn't get some parts of the song. PD-nim told me to practice them again and we will do those parts tomorrow. That part was easy. I had practiced so much last night, still I couldn't do it. I don't know why I couldn't do that. It-"

"Hey, hey! Jungkook. Stop.", Taehyung cuts off Jungkook's rambling. "It's totally alright. You can and you will do it tomorrow.", he says as he ruffles his hairs.

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