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"Don't and never find me."

"Onii-chan...Where are you going?"

"Somewhere... I can't promise to be back. But I want you safe."

"Wake up."

"Wake up."

"Wake up!"

Her eyes shut open, waking up to reality and seeing a unfamiliar wooden ceiling above her. She took deep breaths before shifting her gaze towards the voice who woke her up. "I'm sorry..." She softly muttered. "You look like you're having a bad dream."

Her mouth's open and eyes remained at the lady who wears a white haori and a butterfly hairpiece tied in her hair. She wondered who the lady is and where she's currently in.

It took her a whole minute before she could completely make up words and speak to the lady. "W-Where am I?" She asked in almost a whisper.

The lady smiled. "You are in my place. Technically, this is a hospital," she answered. Her eyes slightly widened when the girl started to move to sit on the bed. "Please, I don't recommend to sit up... I still can't guarantee your strength." She guided her back to lie down. The girl deflated and listened. "You were found unconscious in the feet of the mountain last night. It's snowing hard and you're body is almost covered in snow."

She tried recalling of what happened last night but unfortunately, she can't remember anything.

"May I know your name?" The butterfly lady asked.

"I'm...Soyama (F/N)," she answered.

She smiled. "I am Kocho Shinobu, you may address me as you wish," Shinobu said. She then walked towards the door and called someone named Aoi to bring some foods for (F/N) before going back beside the girl. "So F/N-chan, I want to ask how you ended up outside last night?"

"I'm still trying to remember," (F/N) lowly answered.

Shinobu carressed her hand. "It's alright. Please take your time. I asked because going outside at night is really not a good idea," she said. "Thankfully, Tomioka-san was patrolling the area and found you. A demon could've feasted on you if he wasn't there."

"Tomioka?" F/N asked, tilting her head.

Shinobu nodded. "He's the one who brought you here."

F/N looked straight and spoke after a few silence. "Does demon really exists?"

"Sadly, they do," she answered. "And we are the ones who exterminate them."

F/N looked back to Shinobu and frowned. "Exterminate?"

Shinobu giggled. "We are the Demon Slayers. You might've not heard about the organization since the government doesn't know anything about us, so we're not that known to everyone."

"I think I've heard about you once," F/N said. "Though I never believed that demons do exists, but seeing you right now and telling me about it... I'm intrigued."

"I was at that phase once, not until... I witnessed one myself." The shift in Shinobu's epression is obvious. "My parents are one of their victims."

"I'm... sorry" F/N said. "Was that the reason why you became a demon slayer?"

She nodded. "Yes. Me and my older sister. We promised to avenge their deaths and give them the justice they deserve.

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