❄️ 78

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The time goes so fast that it's been a week since Tanjiro woke up and now fully recovered. F/N can hear the events happening inside the training room where the Rehabilitation is located.

As for F/N, she's been doing daily check-ups with Shinobu to see if there's something going wrong with her health, especially that F/N is carrying a demon inside her body.

So far, Shinobu and the others are thankful that nothing's happening to F/N. Whenever she uses Yoru to train, she limits it within 30 minutes and revert back to human to train herself too.

And Giyuu's the one who tells her the time limit.

Giyuu. The last time F/N fainted is the time where they discovered the reason why that happens. He also know that F/N trains everyday to make sure her skills won't get rusted. So since then, Giyuu never leaves the Butterfly Mansion until F/N finished training so he can watch over her, more likely watch her.

Having nothing to do bores her, so aside from training, she comes by the training room to watch the rehabilitation of InosuKe and Tanjiro. What's shocking? Of course, she'll never miss out a shout to shout argument between Aoi and Inosuke.

"I wonder when these two are going to make up..." she whispered. She sat on the floor at the corner of the hall, now watching Tanjiro being trained by Kanao.

"F/N-san!!!" Naho greeted with a tray on her hands. She flashed a warm smile to her. "Would you like a tea?"

"I'd like some, thank you," She said as she took a cup out of the tray before Naho brought it to the trainors. The rehabilitation training remains the same, and as it happens to them repeatitively, they were more motivated to train and work their bodies more. She was reminded of Tengen's words last time. "They are definitely growing."

Maybe I shouldn't worry much.

F/N smiled at the thought. The kids defeated an Upper Rank and would probably defeat the higher ones too, especially Muzan.

After finishing her tea cup, she stood up and left the room to feel some air, only to be met by someone she didn't expect to arrive.


She couldn't even read his expression if he's mad or not, he's just standing at the path way, looking at her blankly.

"Uh...Are you hurt somewhere?" She tried approaching. She even walked closer to him, a little shivering in fear that he might hurt her. "S-Should I call them--"

"How are you?"

The silence was unbearable. F/N gulped and doesn't know what to feel. She avoided his gaze and looked sideward and took much of deep breaths. "I'm...good."

"I've heard everything about what happened to you," he said. "Especially the exhaustion part."

This made her look at him. "Ah..." She chuckled lowly. "Yes. About that."

"Does it actually?"

F/N nodded slowly. "So I was recommended to use Yoru in a short amount of time."

"And if the war begun? You're going to be a demon for a short amount of time only?"

"Maybe...I can still fight as myself either ways," she said. "And wouldn't it be better to maintain my human form?"

"I've thought about it," he uttered before turning his back on her. "If Yoru's gonna be very helpful in defeating that shit bastard. Then it's nice knowing that Yoru exists." He then walked towards the gate and left.

F/N sighed. "And now I'm pressured," she whispered. "Yoru or myself?"

She looked up to the sky. "Mizuki-san, which one?"


Once darkness took over the whole night. F/N remained outside of the Butterfly Mansion and is sitting on the bench in the garden. She remained thinking of the possibilities of her death in both being herself or the other.

"Why can't Yoru just magically restore her energy herself? Why should it come from me?" She mumbled.

And barely noticing, her unstable emotions had turned her into Yoru, unbeknownst to her.

She was wearing a full sleeve clothes and didn't see the marks on her hands, therefore unaware of her transformation.

No one's around, sleeping and no one would tell her. She remained sitting and thinking of what to do or what her plan is gonna be and become numb of it.

Becoming tired of sitting, she stood up and went outside the gate to walk around and feel the coldness of the night. Until there was a weird hustling sounds in the ground which she tried following and saw a weird eyeball walking. F/N chased it and stomped on it before it ran further. From her senses tells that it's a work of a demon. On top of that being an eye, it must be spying on them.

She tried reading the symbols on its eyes but it disappeared quickly after she stomped on it. "Shit. What was that for?" She looked around, wary of her surroundings that someone or something may attack her while she's unarmed, her sword being left inside her room and the only thing she could use to fight is Yoru.

There she realized that she's currently in that form and doesn't know when had it started, so taking advantage of the time, she sprinted all around to find a demon lurking and actually found two of them after reaching the forest near the Butterfly Estate.

"Was it your work to spy over that place nearby?" She asked. The two demons faced her and trembled when they saw what she looks like and recognizing who she is, so they attempted to run, but got caught immediately by her fast hands. "I'm asking."

"IT WASN'T OURS! I SWEAR!" Yelled the other one.


"Gyokko? Was that the one who brought the eyes?"

"I don't know! We don't know!"

"Who's this Gyokko?" She asked again.


"I'd like to see him try," she said boringly before twisting both of their necks until it detached from their bodies. She watched them disintegrate before tracking her surroundings if there are any demons left to spy around the estate. "Were they trying to ambush the place? How foolish."

F/N sighed before turning around to return home, only to feel weak and suddenly fell limp at the ground. She felt herself reverting back to her humanity and suddenly chasing breathe and couldn't even make a word to call for help. How long was I her?

She was panicking at how will the others find her now that she's here, deep in the forest where she followed the demons. "H-help..." she said very lowly, almost whispering.

And everything just went dark and dim.

to be continued.

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