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"There's still no signs of waking up, I'm getting worried," Aoi muttered while changing Tanjiro's gauzes. "Zenitsu's also worried, and Inosuke not waking up either."

"Atleast they're still breathing, so don't think negative," F/N said. "Tanjiro's a strong boy and also have a strong will. He'll wake up for Nezuko—Anyways, how's Nezuko?"

"Nezuko...is being taken care by Kanao," Aoi answered. "Kanao brought Nezuko here a few days ago and she cried after seeing her brother's state...I mean who wouldn't?" She asked.

F/N smiled at the mentioned name. "Kanao, huh?"

Aoi chuckled. "Did you notice? She's acting different...a good difference."

"I agree." F/N turned to the unconscious boy on the bed. "Must be because of him?"

"Tanjiro?" She asked. "Why so?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Just a guess...no...actually an instinct."

"Well, I guess..." Aoi looked at Tanjiro and leaned a little closer. "Thank you for making that girl a little open," she whispered.

"He better wake up soon," F/N said and headed to the door.

"You're leaving?"

"I'm going to Onii-san's estate," she answered.

"Are you sure you're going to be fine? You just woke up last night," Aoi asked.

"I'm perfectly fine, Aoi-chan!" She beamed.

"Iguro-sama's probably on his way here, why don't you just wait? I'm still worried about your situation now," she said.

"Promise!" F/N exclaimed and grinned. "I'm totally fine! I think my demon regenerated my body, so it's going to be alright!"

Aoi sighed. "Fine. Be careful on your way."

"Yes! Yes!" She exclaimed before making her way outside.

F/N is only wearing a kimono since she's not allowed to go back on her duties and wearing the uniform is pointless.

Before she could even reach the outside, she was greeted by the three little girls with Kanao behind, looking a little nervous

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Before she could even reach the outside, she was greeted by the three little girls with Kanao behind, looking a little nervous. F/N tilted her head, wondering what's wrong.

"F/N-san!" Naho yelled. "Are you leaving?"

"You're not supposed to leave!" Sumi yelled.

"Yeah! You just woke up!" Kiyo shouted.

F/N waved her hands in defense while chuckling. "I'm fine! Even Aoi let me go," she said before turning to Kanao. "Is there something wrong?"

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