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"Why did you follow me?!" Akaza snapped.

"Do you really think I'll let you go again?! I've been looking for you ever since..." You said.

"F/N, I'm not a human anymore," he said. "Just please, leave. Please, save yourself."

Akaza disappeared once again and this time, you can't follow him anymore.

You looked to your hands and the marks weren't there anymore and your fear subsided. So instead, you turned back and planned to go home. For the last time, you looked behind you to where he disappeared and sighed.

It's never going to be the same anymore.


It was nearing lunch time when you arrived back at the headquarters, to the Butterfly Mansion to be exact.

Aoi's as usual, cleaning the place with the help of the three girls, Kanao is at the training ground with Shinobu, so you decided to head back to your room to take a bath before going out again.

And the expression you're wearing didn't go unnoticed by Shinobu, one look and she already knew that something's bothering you.

The water's straightly dropping on your bare skin, your eyes is just staring at the wall, but your mind is lingering somewhere. No, you meant 'someone'.

Akaza, or Hakuji. What happened to him? Why did he become a demon?

"He said he doesn't remember anything aside from me," you whispered. Muzan probably brainwashed him.

Anger took over your self when you thought of him. Hakuji will never become a demon. He's kind. There's something that happened that made him that, and you're about to find out.

That's why he didn't hurt you the first time you encountered each other. The sudden embrace, the familiar feeling, and the fact that you cried when he left that time. Because it's him.

Your brother who you've been searching for ever since your mother abandoned you. He kept on closing his eyes that time because he doesn't want you to know that he's an Uppermoon. Why? He's afraid that you might fear him, avoid him, or force him to fight you is something he just couldn't stand. He can't choose between fighting you to death or letting you defeat him by decapitating his head.

Once you're done bathing, you dried yourself with a towel and changed into a new uniform. You're haori's muddy because you sat on the ground earlier.

That's right, it's his haori. It's a gift from him.

You slipped the sword on your belt before grabbing the dirty cloth and went outside after. Aoi noticed you carrying the cloth and smiled. "Let me clean it?" She asked.

You handed her the haori and also smiled. "Yeah, thank you."


Your crow, Tadeo is flying above you. "Right now?" You asked.

"CAW! RIGHT NOW! RIGHT NOW!" He answered.

Didn't even bid goodbye, you took your leave from the mansion and headed next to the master's residence. You're not nervous about it, you know what it is about. It's the meeting of you and your brother.

When you arrived at the place, Kagaya is already sitting outside his house along with his two daughters, Hinaki and Nichika. Kagaya greeted you with a smile. "F/N."

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