❄️ 77

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"I poured some tea," one guy exclaimed while carrying a tray.

"Ahh...Thanks," he replied.

The guy chuckled at the sight of his daughter on the other man's arms. "Wow, fast asleep," he said. "I'm so sorry, my wife also happened to fall asleep." He scratched the back of his head. "I'm really, really sorry. You're a visitor, but I made you watch over my kid."

"Don't worry about it," the man said while handing the kid carefully back to her father. "She's probably tired. Birthing a kid and raising them is hard work." He took one cup of tea from the tray and spoke. "After I finish drinking this, I'll be on my way. I can't keep eating meals for free like this."

"Oh no! I owe you my life. If you weren't around back then, then I much less my children, wouldn't be here now," he said. "Alright then...At least, tell me your story for future generations."

"No need."

"But, it must be hard since you have no successor at hand...It may be impossible for me since I am a humble coal burner, but one day, someone will-"

"No need," he said once again. "Sumiyoshi, masters of their craft will always find their way to the same place...Even if the times have changed, even if they have taken different paths to that point, they will always go to the same place." He then placed the empty cup back to the try and stood up. "You seem to see me as some kind of special human, but that's not true...

...I couldn't protect a single thing that was precious to me. I couldn't achieve what I was supposed to achieve in life." He looked in front of him and started hallucinating about a young girl with a raven hair and golden eyes, laughing. "I am a man of no worth."

'Mizuki...I...couldn't even protect her.'

F/N immediately turned her head back inside when she heard a sound of something broke, which she thought is probably a plate or a vase

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F/N immediately turned her head back inside when she heard a sound of something broke, which she thought is probably a plate or a vase. So she sheathed her sword back to its case and entered the room, only to notice Tanjiro's room open. "Hmm?"

As she walked closer, she frowned upon seeing a broken vase on the floor. "Why is there-" She looked up and saw Kanao sitting beside Tanjiro's bed and gulped. "Y-you're awake..." F/N walked to the other side of the bed. "You're finally awake!"

Tanjiro chuckled weakly. "I guess...I am..."

"Uhh, I brought some castella over. So please clear the way so I can put it down. If it looks spoiled, just go ahead and eat it."

All three of them turned to the Kakushi who entered the room. "Th...Thank you," Tanjiro muttered.

The Kakushi blinked a few before realizing the situation. "HE- HE WOKE UP?!" He shouted. "Why aren't you screaming!?"

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