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"Kaburamaru-kun, why did you bit my beloved cousin?" You laughed while the said snake is resting in your shoulders. "You two were really on sync huh?" The meeting ended two hours ago and you will never let the day past without pestering Obanai so you followed him to his estate. He wants to throw you out but he can't do that.

And even if he did plan to shoo you, who the hell told him that you'll listen?

"Can you shut up?" You turned to face Obanai with a sheepish smile.

"I'm not even talking to you," you said. "I'm talking to this smart snake you have." You petted him.

Obanai clicked his tongue in annoyance while patting a cotton on where Kaburamaru bit him. And because it was you, he's not bothered that he's not wearing bandages in front of someone. You don't even care at all.

"So..." You muttered. Obanai sighed. It's time. He thought. "I heard how you stuttered in front of her."

"I did stutter because I am confused," he excused.

"Confused of what? What's confusing about it?"

He furrowed his brows. "I...was wondering why she's there."

"Can you think of a better excuse?" You leaned your back to the wall. "It's so lame."

"Stop it, F/N."

"Stop what?" You asked.

"You're starting to get on my nerves," he said.

"I'm not even doing anything!" You exclaimed. "I'm just talking about Mitsuri why are you avoiding the topic?!"

"I'm not avoiding it, damn it," he muttered. "You're a matchmaker wannabe."

"Says the one who kept on asking me if I'm dating Giyuu last time," you muttered under your breath.



The Serpent Hashira sighed. "She's...nice, and beautiful," he muttered.

He purposely said it in a low tone so you won't hear it, but you did.

Your eyes widened and slowly turned to him, his eyes is still in the mirror while aiding the wound. "I knew it." Obanai looked at you nervously. "I can't blame you. She really is nice."

"You heard me?"

"I am not deaf and definitely not dumb." Your gaze shifted to the snake and noticed that it's already sleeping, must be tired of Obanai's antics.

He hissed at you. "So what? If I did say that I like her, do you even think she'll like me back, huh?"

"So you're actually telling me that you like her?" You grinned. Obanai walked away from the mirror and stood in front of you, making you look up to him since you're sitting.

"Do you think she'll like me? No. Definitely and a big no," he said firmly. "She probably likes those guys with perfect faces and without this shit lines in my mouth."

You stared at him in shock before giving him a smile. "I don't think Mitsuri-chan is the type of girl who looks into faces..."

"You think so?"

"You really want to hang out with her, don't you?" You said. "Then what? Planning to leave me alone--"

"You've been with Tomioka more than me! Shut it!" He snapped. "If Tomioka does something funny to you--"

"Shut it!" You mimicked. "I don't know which funny one are you talking about but he won't do such. I knew him for too long!"

"I probably knew him longer than you," he retorted.

"Shut up and try hanging out with pinky girl," you suggested.

He cringed at you. "Seriously? Are you really setting me up with her?"

"Stop with 'oh don't do it, shut the hell up', I know you want to," you rolled your eyes while humming playfully.

Obanai just shook his head in disbelief. Sometimes, I regret that I hanged out with this girl. Only if I knew that she'll be like this.

"You still love me, though," you muttered, resulting Obanai to gasp. Did you hear his thoughts?. "Don't even try avoiding me now!" You stuck your tongue out. "I'll take Kaburamaru with me for a while, I'm sure you'll survive without him."

You stood up on your feet and waved him goodbye which he didn't respond so you left his estate, the snake is sleeping peacefully on your neck.

People are staring weirdly at you on your way back to the Butterfly Mansion, some of them are scared that there's literally a snake resting on your shoulders. They're worried that the snake might bite you but no. Kaburamaru will never bite you like what he did to Obanai, because you're not dumb like him.

When you said a while ago that Kaburamaru and Obanai are on sync, you're not wrong. Kaburamaru is somewhat his spirit animal. They move as one that's how he created the Breath of Snake anyways, with the help of the white serpent.

If Obanai is mad, the snake is also mad.

If Obanai's cheerful, he'll also be cheerful.

Earlier, before the meeting, the hashira felt nervous and the same goes for Kaburamaru resulting him to bit his own host.

You want to take Kaburamaru as your own, but your cousin will probably die if he lost the snake. Die of depression, maybe? And you won't let him feel that so rather than taking the snake for yourself, you're just gonna manipulate the snake on sleeping to you so you'll have a reason to take him, "I can't wake him up". And Obanai can't do anything about that.

"Oh! F/N-san is back!" Kiyo exclaimed when you stepped inside the Butterfly Mansion.

And her cheerfulness was replaced with shock when she noticed the reptile on your shoulders. "A-Ahhhh....T-That's I-Iguro-sama's s-snake."

You giggled. "Yes he is."

Kiyo only nodded before going inside the kitchen and you followed. Aoi is also there as usual, cooking with the help of Naho and Sumi. Kanao is also there, sitting.

"Shinobu-san hasn't gone home yet?" You asked, making them aware of your presence.

"Oh, she haven't yet," answered Aoi. "Sit up, we're gonna eat--" She stopped talking when she turned to you. "Why d-did you brought him here?!"

"Oh?" You petted Kaburamaru who's now awake. "Why not?"

"H-He's...scary!" Naho and Sumi exclaimed.

You chuckled. "No he's not," you said. "He's nice!"

"He's only nice to you because you're close to Iguro-sama!" Aoi said.

"He can understand human speech you know?" You teased.

"H-He can?!"

"Yes he does," you replied. "That's why he's useful to Obanai Onii-san."

They only nodded hesitatingly for they are still afraid that the creature you're holding is still a snake.

After that, you headed to your room and your attention averted to the journal on the table. You sat down, flipping the pages and started writing.

to be continued.

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