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~ Arc III: The Rendezvous of the Past and the Present ~

~ Arc III: The Rendezvous of the Past and the Present ~

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"Oh my! F/N-chan!" Mitsuri greeted. "You're finally awake?! Come here! Come here!"

F/N chuckled and was about to walk towards her, but Mitsuri stood up from her seat and pulled her towards the table, making her sit beside her. "How are you?! Everyone's so worried when they heard what happened!"

"I'm sorry for worrying you all," F/N replied and also glanced at Obanai who's sitting in front of them.

"Well! Not anymore because you're already up and you seemed fine!" Mitsuri exclaimed before sharing her plate with her. "Eat! You're cousin cooked that!"

She immediately shook her head and muttered thanks. "I already ate before heading here, so I'm not really hungry. Thanks for the offer, though."

Mitsuri pouted. "Alright, if you said so!" She said before digging again.

F/N shifted her gaze to her cousin and frowned when she saw him staring at the other girl. She wanted to snap a finger in front of his face, but of course, F/N doesn't want to embarass him in front of his 'loved one'. She just looked at him until Obanai noticed, who frowned as if asking 'why are you staring?'.

She just smiled and sighed.

"But anyways, why did you pass out?" Mitsuri asked. F/N slowly turned to her, wondering if she's going to tell her, in front of her beloved cousin.

"Ah...Shinobu-san said that it's probably because of exhaustion," she answered, which is a half lie. "So she advised me to refrain from working too hard."

Mitsuri pouted while nodding in worries of F/N being a hashira. "But you weren't like this before, right?"

The frosted hair girl chuckled. "Maybe I did overwork these past weeks." Mitsuri seem convinced by her but Obanai's definitely not.

He can tell that she's lying. He knew her too well. There's something else that she doesn't want to tell. He thought. But due to respect that she's probably keeping it from Mitsuri, he chose to keep silent and preferred to ask about it later when they're alone.

In just one glance, Obanai can sense her awkwardness when F/N's talking about what happened to her, and it's making him worried.

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