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~ The Awakening of the Honored Crescent ~

F/N strolled around the unfamiliar town filled with bunch of lively people. The market stalls on the side road are full of buyers, foodshoppe which is filled with customers.

A lot different compared to the town she's always been.

She continued her way towards a possible person to ask and received some nasty stares from some old geezers who's been drunk in an early hour. But she decided to ignore it, she has a sword on her waist, so that should be a warning.

After a fifteen minute walk around the town, she stopped in front of a small building that has a small banner beside the door, saying 'doctor'.

And as far as she remembers, the letter said that Koyuki was once sick and she thought that a doctor might know who she is. So she didn waste any more moments and entered the opened door.

There she was greeted by an middle-aged woman who's sitting in a chair behind the counter. "Is there something I could help you, young lady?"

F/N gently smiled and walked towards her. "Are you the doctor here?"

"I am," she answered. "Are you hurt somewhere—You have a katana?"

She felt awkward. "Ah... It's for—"

"Are you...a demon slayer?" She asked. And so she nodded. "I see...Well, are you hurt?"

"Not really," she replied while waving her hands. "I'm here to ask about someone."

"Go ahead," she said.

"Do you know anyone by the name of...Koyuki and Keizo? And Hakuji?"

The doctor's eyes went round at the mentioning of the names. "I...know them."

F/N sighed in relief. "If you don't mind, may you tell me where the father and daughter is?"

She pursed her lips. "Have a seat first." She grabbed a chair from under the table and gave it to her where F/N instantly sat.

F/N remained quiet and waited for the woman's answer.

"May I know your name first?" The doctor asked.

"I'm Soyama F/N, Hakuji's sister," she answered.

The doctor smiled. "That's why you looked familiar," she said. "About Koyuki and Keizo...they are already dead."

F/N's smile faded right away from hearing the words about them and starting to feel goosebumps. "S-Since when?"

"It's been eight years since the incident happened," the doctor said lowly.

"What...h-happened to them?"

"I think that I should tell you everything from the very start," she said.

"I think that I should tell you everything from the very start," she said

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