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"What's wrong?" He asked.

F/N shook her head and sniffed.


"Nothing, but you're crying?" he said.

She immediately wiped the tear and chuckled. "I'm not really crying...I d-don't know what this is."

"Alright," he muttered. "If you can't say it, it's fine."

"Yeah, yeah! It's nothing, really," she said. "A-Anyways...where should we meet tomorrow?" She asked in attempt of avoiding the topic.

"I'll get you here," he answered.

F/N smiled while nodding. "Okay."

Giyuu's standing in front of the girl who obviously looked away from him. Nothing my face. He thought. "You know, I can't just pretend here that you're fine."

This made F/N look back to him in surprise. But she didn't know herself why she cried? And while she became silent, the ravenette sat beside her, eyes shifting to gaze on the sky.

"But...I'm fine," she replied.

Giyuu hummed. "If you say so."

F/N pursed her lips together and followed the man's gaze. The sky is filled with blue and white touches, and it made her calm down. "I just got into an argument with my cousin," she mumbled. "But I'm fine."

Giyuu raised a brow at her words. "That's surprising. You never got into an argument with him."

F/N chuckled. "I'm surprised either...but I'm sure that we'll be in good terms in a short time."

"Mind if I ask why?" he asked.

How will she tell him that it was him they fought about? No. She won't tell that. "Well...I fainted last last day—"

"You fainted?" He asked while turning to her.

"I stayed here that night," she said, almost whispering. "I forgot about the marks...and Obanai was here that time. The marks started appearing and I forced it not to...then I fainted."

Giyuu nodded. "So you're cousin's worried, that's why you argued?"

The girl hummed in response. "He told me to refrain from doing a lot because they thought that I overworked myself," she said. "And about the marks...they haven't appeared again since that night."

"You...controlled it?"

"No, I don't think so," she answered. "I tried pulling it out, but nothing's happening."

Giyuu sighed. "Don't mind it for now. I think it's better that it doesn't show up, the less chances that you'll get caught," he said. She only nodded on that.

After chatting about a lot of things, Giyuu bid his goodbye to her, a cue for her to enter the mansion and met the master of the house, Shinobu

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After chatting about a lot of things, Giyuu bid his goodbye to her, a cue for her to enter the mansion and met the master of the house, Shinobu. "You're back!"

Shinobu smiled at her. "Yes and our thoughts are right about the bear," she said as she opens the door on her office. "We found a witness and lied about the matter...And guess what? Her father is the demon who slaughtered the people in that place."

F/N felt bad for the girl she's talking about, but at the same time, a little mad. "So you mean...she just let her demon father kill other human?"

"I understand her side, though...If I was at her situation, I can't really kill my father," she said. "But she could've told anyone instead...By the way, Tomioka-san is also there."

The white haired girl tilted her head. "Gi...yuu?"

Shinobu nodded. "I didn't really expect to see him there."

So that's why he's gone for three days?

"And he killed the demon," Shinobu said. "I feel bad for his daughter, she almost committed suicide because of her loss."

F/N pouted. "Well, how is she now?"

"She knows how to live by herself, but I think the officials are now taking care of her," she said and sighed. "I could've at least comforted her before leaving."

"If I were on your position, I will think the same...but you see, we're pillars," F/N said. "We can't let emotions beat us."

Shinobu looked at her with wide eyes before giggling. "You and Tomioka-san said the same thing."

Her brows raised at her. "Oh did we?" She joked. "Anyways...can I...borrow a yukata?"

"I'm guessing. For the festival tomorrow?" F/N nodded. "Yes of course you can. There's a lot of clothes in Onee-san's room."

"Are you sure I can use them?" F/N asked.

"Why not? Onee-san will sure be happy to see you wearing her clothes," Shinobu said while smiling softly at her. "You can pick which one you like at her room."

"Alright...Thank you!"

"This?" F/N held a blue yukata in front of her body while facing the mirror

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"This?" F/N held a blue yukata in front of her body while facing the mirror. "What about this?"

Aoi hummed while Naho, Kiyo, and Sumi remained quiet, for the three, all of Kanae's clothes fit her. "It's all good to you, though?"

F/N clicked her tongue in slight frustration of choosing. "But I kinda like this one," she said as she held another yukata in light green color. "And I like this other blue one."

"It all looks good on you!" Naho exclaimed.

"That one in your right hand fits your hair and eyes," Aoi commented. "I think you should wear that."

"I'll try it," F/N muttered before walkig behind the shoji screen.

It took her five minutes to completely change into the cloth with the obi and headed out fro the others to see. "H-How was it?"

"F/N-san is so beautiful in casual clothing!" Kiyo whispered.

"I've always seen her wearing uniform, who could've thought that she's really beautiful..." Sumi said while smiling, eyes glimmering at the sight of the hashira in front of them.

Aoi grinned. "I knew it will look good on you!" She said. "Try not to make Tomioka-sama fall for you."

"Shut it!" F/N jokingly snapped. She then turned to the mirror to admire herself. "Kanae-san's clothes are beautiful."

"I know right!" Sumi said. "Hers and Shinobu-sama's clothes are too beautiful!"

"I'll help you fix your hair tomorrow," Aoi suggested.

"Sure thing, since I'm bad at doing my hair," F/N chuckled.

to be continued.

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