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But after hitting Douma, his eyes widened when he saw the arm he used is cut, and Kokoshibou spoke. "Akaza, you went to far."

"It's fine! It's fine, Kokoshibou-dono! I have absolutely no problem at what he did! I mean...I can't get mad at him because I still want to meet Yoru-chan!" Douma exclaimed while smiling and quickly regenerated his head.

"I'm not saying this for your benefit. I'm troubled at the fact that he's not only disrupting the hierarchy but also making cracks in our entire subordinate relationship," Kokoshibou said.

"Oh...I see now," Douma mumbled.

"Akaza, if he really bothers you. You should apply for a blood battle to swap places with him," Kokoshibou said in a sarcastic way.

"But like, Kokoshibou-dono...Even if Akaza-dono applied for one, there's no way he can beat us!" Douma beamed. "On top of that, I became a demon after he did. I reached success earlier than him, so he must be feeling extremely pissed inside! Understand the guy!"

Akaza had enough of him and just wanted to kill him at that point but Douma spoke again. "Besides, I intentionally didn't dodge him. It was just a bit of fun. This is my way of getting along with him. Superior beings must give leeway to those lower than them and not scold them over minor-"

"Akaza," Kokoshibou called with an intention of cutting Douma off. "Did you understand...what I...wanted to say?"

He gritted his teeth. "I did. I will kill you for sure."

"I see. Good luck...with that," Kokoshibou said before disappearing, leaving the two on their own.

"Farewell, Kokoshibou-dono," said the other Upper Moons.

"Farewell!" Douma exclaimed before turning to Akaza again. "Man, I feel like the guy just didn't want to talk to us. But you're just thinking too hard about this, Akaza-dono," he said. "Now, won't you just introduce me to Yoru-chan?" He asked while smiling. "I heard that she's very beautiful and strong! I wonder if we'll get along! I would love to-"

Akaza clicked his tongue. "You speak of that name once again and you'll regret it," he said before leaving quickly.

"Akaza-dono! Come on! We're having a conversation here!" Douma yelled then he sighed.

"Launch me and Hantengu to the same place if you don't mind!" Gyokko said to Nakime.

"Hang on! I'll join you guys-" But before he could finish his words, Nakime hit her biwa along with the disappearing of the other two and now he's alone. "Aww...Hey, biwa girl!" Douma called. "Do you know where Yoru-chan is? Can you send me to her? I badly want to meet her!"

"I don't know where she is," she answered.

"Alright... what about you and I-"

"I refuse," she said coldly before strumming her biwa and sent Douma back to his place.

He kept on running to nowhere, with the hope of seeing his sister but failed so he stopped and looked around

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He kept on running to nowhere, with the hope of seeing his sister but failed so he stopped and looked around. Right now, he's at the place where he last met her but there's no shadow of her. "F/N...where are you?"

After that Upper Moon meeting, he immediately ran to find F/N because of what happened to him. The pain he felt just meant that something happened to her, and he couldn't even sense her around. He can't feel her blood in his veins, and there's no signs of Yoru controlling him. Are you okay? Please be...you still...you still have to defeat me...

You're not dead, right? You can't die. You promised me that you'll tell me about my past. Where are you? Where are you?! Are you sleeping? If so, please wake up and answer me!

Yoru... Yoru! F/N!



Her eyes darted open and immediately held her chest which is pounding very fast. She sat up from the bed and felt her cheeks wet so she touched it, only to realize that she's crying.

"Akaza..." she whispered. "Akaza."

She looked to the window and learned that it's night for it is really dark and stars are shining brightly up the sky. So she stood on her feet and jumped by the window to leave. F/N admits that she felt hungry but all she can think right now is she knew that her brother is hurting when she's unconscious.

But before she reach the gate, her hand was grabbed by someone. "Where the hell are you going?" She slowly turned around and saw Giyuu with his forehead furrowing in confusion. "You just woke up and you haven't eaten anything and now you're escaping?"


"Get back inside," he said and pulled her.

"Giyuu, no!"

Giyuu stopped and looked at her again. "Whatever you're planning to do, do it tomorrow," he said. "You can't just leave without eating."

F/N sighed and let Giyuu drag her back inside with a down face. Giyuu of course noticed that but chose to keep silent because he's worried that she might faint again.

It's midnight and the other girls who works at the kitchen is probably asleep, so the man decided that he'll cook food for her while F/N sat on the table as she waited for him to finish.

She's just staring blankly at a one place, but her mind is filled with overthinking and worst outcomes. From that dream she just had that her brother is calling for her, she realized that they are connected, that once something happened to her, something also happens to Akaza.

"I want to know why you're eager to leave after waking up," Giyuu spoke.

Her eyes shifted to where he is, his back is facing her for he is cooking. She sighed before answering. "I want to...check on my brother."

His hand stopped working and turned to look at her with a frown. "Are you serious?"

"I am."

He stared at her for a few more seconds before turning back to the dish. "You're not going anywhere."


"F/N, he might be your brother but he's still an Upper Moon," he stated.

"He doesn't hurt me—"

"Are you forgetting about what he did to Rengoku?" He snapped.

F/N slightly gasped before gulping and looked down the table. "He...apologized."

"Apologies can't bring lives back," he said. "Call me harsh all you want, but that's how I see it." F/N pursed her lips and didn't speak. "If you keep on meeting him, you'll lose the urge to end his life. I'm not saying that you need to fight your feelings so you can have the will on killing him...but shouldn't you have done that the first time you met him?"

"He's still my brother, Giyuu. You knew I've been looking for him for a very long time, do you really think I could kill him easily after discovering who he is?" F/N retorted.

"He surrendered, am I right?" He asked. She went silent, knowing that Akaza did surrender. "He probably asked you to kill him. Didn't you also said that you'll free him? The only way to free him is to decapitate his head. Did you do something? He must have offered his head to you once, did you cut it? You've been given a lot of chances to 'free' him, and you did nothing. He's still out there, eating people—"

"Cook faster, I'm getting dizzy," she interrupted while looking away. Giyuu only shook his head and shut his mouth while F/N didn't spoke another word again.

to be continued.

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