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You sat up from the bed immediately, your shoulders are rising up and down along with the fast beating of your heart as you panted heavily.

That dream. You saw someone talking to your brother. He called her Yoru, that's his demon sister, and he's trying to make her join them.

You never got to see the complete identity of the Crescent Moon but at least you saw how she looks like. Long black hair with white eyes, the symbol of Crescent Moon Three is also engraved in those white irises.

She's very beautiful. She doesn't look like any demon that you've fought. She looks more like a royalty, you wouldn't even thought that she's a demon.

You turned to the window and saw that it's already dark, and you have to go back to the district you've been assigned to.

You stood up on your feet and faced the half length mirror to fix your disheveled hair before going outside with your sword on your right hand.

"F/N-san, atleast eat on your way." Turning to Aoi, you gave her a smile before grabbing an onigiri and started taking a bite.

"Well then, I'll get going!" You said while waving your hand to her and rushed to the outside.

Aoi dropped her smile when you left, knowing that the smile you showed her is forced and not real. There is really something wrong.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Naho asked while peeking at the doorway.

Aoi smiled at her. "She's F/N, she'll be okay, for sure."


It's been three hours go when you arrived at the village and everythings seems so fine.

But somehow, you've been looking forward to see your brother again. You kept on looking around, hoping that you could see him and talk to him like you used to, even if he's already a demon. You know yourself that he's still the same brother you have, the difference is just he devours human flesh.

You want to ask him why and how but he did say that he can't remember anything aside from you, and only you. Not a single memory of your parents or the reason why he murdered those students two years ago.

The night's too quiet and peaceful to your relief. There's no signs of demons around meaning, the residents here are also safe. And you've guessed that you defeated the demons lurking at the forest nearby yesterday.

You looked up at the sky where the moon is visible, it reminds you of the Crescent Demon for the moon is at it's crescent at the moment.

"I should've at least talked to her before waking up," you muttered.

"The Crescent Moon's too beautiful but when you think of it carefully, it's very dangerous, doesn't it?"

"Huh?" You turned to the direction of where the voice came from and there's a girl sitting on a bench outside the house. "I think you should head inside," you said in a worried tone.

"There's no demons around, so I'm safe," she said while placing a hand on her tummy, caressing it.

"You're pregnant?"

She smiled. "I am," she replied. "I'm so excited to meet him...or her?" She let out a chuckle.

You walked towards and sat beside her. Her hair's pitch black and here eyes is the same as the moon, both glowing in the dark. "What's your name?" You asked.

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