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"You are soooo at disadvantage here, demon," you said. "Look, you can't even heal yourself anymore. Accept it, you're done. You can't devour more humans anymore, I won't let you."

The demon hissed at you. "You...they'll kill you. They'll kill you! They will!"

"I dare them." You sprinted towards it and sliced his neck immediately.

You watched as the demon crumbled away before shifting your gaze to your hand which the demon managed to graze a while ago in attempt to make you let go of the sword.

But your eyes widened at the sight. The wound is not there anymore as if there really wasn't one and some marks can be seen. "What is this?"

Blue and yellow circles are visible in the back of your hand. You looked to your other hand and the same marks are also there.

You took off your haori and unbuttoned the sleeves of the uniform and followed the trail of the marks. Circle shaped marks and what caught your attention is the crescent moon on your wrist. "Moon?"

You felt your skin crawl when you kept your gaze following where the mark ends and it reached your upper arm. You immediately ran towards a water puddle to look for your reflection and here comes your fear.

"What...is this?" You whispered. Your hand crept up on your cheeks where there's also the same marks under your eyes, and a light blue circles in the ends of your eye that looks like some sort of make up.

You took your bangs away from your forehead and there's a crescent moon which ends are facing upwards. You can't help but mutter how beautiful it is but at the same time, your confused about why are there marks all over your body.

"Am I hallucinating?" You scrunched your eyes and slight slapped your face to check if you're just dreaming or are you dead.

But when you opened your eyes, the mark's still in there. "Did that demon cursed me?"

"Is curse even real?" you muttered and stood up, placing your haori back and planned to go back at the village, your knees trembling.

"Not really."

You stopped on your tracks when you heard a familiar voice in a distance, making you gulp.

"I see," he mumbled. "It's finally happening."

"W-What are you talking about?" You asked while turning to him. "Do you know anything about this marks? Did that demon used some demon art--"

"Easy!" He chuckled. His eyes are still closed. "The demon doesn't have that kind of ability. He's weak."

"Then what is this?"

The pink haired demon lost his smile and walked towards you, which you stepped backwards slowly. "I can't tell you yet, F/N."

"I...wanna know."

"Not today," he said again. "But if it finally happened  completely. I promise I'm going to be the one telling you about that."

"Am I...am I dem--" He placed an index finger in your mouth.

"Who knows, F/N? Who knows?" he said.

Your eyes slightly widened when you realized something. Why aren't you even scared that a demon's in front of you now?

"Who...are you really?" You asked.

"F/N," he called. "Do you really wanna know who I am?" You didn't answer. "Fine."

𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 | 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐲𝐮𝐮Where stories live. Discover now