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As the night came, Shinobu asked the two hashira to leave the estate knowing that they have their own duties. She promised that she'll look over F/N while they were away and she did. As much as they wanted to stay, they knew that they can't leave their missions untouched.

Shinobu also explained what had possibly happened last night and why F/N's currently unconscious. She sensed traces of demons in the same place they have found her and on top of that, F/N left her sword inside her room. So she knew that she killed those demons using Yoru out of no choice.

She sighed as she looked closely to her body, hoping for changes but found none, it made her more anxious. "If given the biggest chance of defeating the demons, why suffer?" She muttered. "Yoru, are you listening?"

F/N's body remained still, pale as ever and the same findings maintained in her physical body. Shinobu hoped that she'll get answers from Yoru herself, but nothing was ever heard from her. So she have come to a conclusion that F/N's not possessed, but she's indeed born to be her.

So when the night turns darker, she had to leave the room to take a rest and be back first thing tomorrow.


1 month later...

Upon a month of being into coma, F/N's body still hasn't gave any signs nor changes in her body. Shinobu will always measure the length of her hair if her physical body is still changing; and that is the only change she could find.

Each day, Giyuu and Obanai drops by the mansion to check on her, hoping that each time they step inside the place, they'll be met with a conscious F/N.

Until one night, when everyone's resting, her eyes slowly opened and so is her consciousness. Her breathing somehow returned normal, yet she can feel the amount of weakness in her body.

When she completely gained awareness of her surroundings, she attempted to sit up from the bed, but her limited strength forbid her to do so. Yet, she forced herself to sat down and can already feel the dizziness as her vision circles around. She held her head and closed her eyes, breathing slowly to relax herself before pushing herself to stand.

Once she opened her eyes, she looked over the window and realized that it's already dark and everyone must've been sleeping already. She can feel her stomach aching for food and wondered how long was she sleeping?

She did remember what happened before she passed out, but how long was it since that happened?

After somehow feeling alright enough to stand, she stood up and stood her hand on the wall as a support to help her walk. She barely had enough strength to slid the door open but still did it. Groaning silently, she made her way towards the kitchen in attempt to look for food.

There were breads in the pantry which she took and started eating it only to start feeling nauseous and was about to throw up. With all her remaining strength, she ran towards the sink and vomited the small amount of food she just swallowed a minute ago.

F/N slumped down the floor, feeling very weak and dismayed, thinking that she can gain energy once she ate, but threw it up nonetheless. She rested her head on the wall and took many deep breaths, with no hope of standing up. Her whole body is trembling and won't even move as she tries to.

How long until the morning? Is someone awake?

"S-Someone....is someone awake?" She called in a low voice; so low that the sound scarcely echoed outside the kitchen. She's aware that it's pointless and she should've not left the room, but she was so hungry and couldn't take it any longer.

To her luck, Kanao woke up 5 minutes ago and felt something's not right. She also heard the slight sound coming from the ground floor as if something fell. So she stepped outside of her room and searched for where the sound came from. She walked around until she reached the kitchen and found someone below the sink.

Her eyes widened upon recognizing who the person is and immediately dashed to attend her. "F/N-san?" F/N's eyes is still open and is looking straight at here, making Kanao gulped in nervousness. "W-Why are you in here?"

Kanao doesn't know what to do first. F/N seems so fragile for her that she's afraid to even move her a bit. "I s-should call for Shinobu-sama."

"K-Kanao," she whispered weakly.

Looking at her mouth, she quickly grabbed a clean cloth from the drawers and wiped it softly to her lips. "Did you threw up?" She also looked around the kitchen and saw a bitten bread on the counter and realized that she ate.

"I...ate and threw it up," she answered.

Since she couldn't actually bring her back to bed, Kanao fixed her position into a more comfortable seat to make sure she relaxed. "I'm sorry, F/N-san. I can't bring you back to your room."

F/N slightly chuckled. "It's fine...my fault that I went here."

"You should've just called for someone," Kanao said before standing up to clean the cloth in the sink and damped on water before placing it on her head.

"It's midnight...everyone's sleeping," she replied. "And my voice won't even wake up someone. I'm just lucky that you found me."

Kanao sighed. "I woke up a little bit earlier and heard a sound. I never thought it would be you."

F/N's feeble hand reached for hers, it made her gasped in surprise. F/N then gave her a faint smile. "Thank you for being awake," she chuckled.

Kanao forced a smile. "It's nothing. I'm glad I went here," she said. "The sun will rise sooner...everyone will be awake."

"Yes, and I'll stay here until then," she replied.

"I will be with you."

to be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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