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The hashira felt like he was given an ice cold bath.

"Iguro Mayako."

Of course, he didn't expect it. Of all people, he'll met you.

Since last night when he saw you on Giyuu's arms, your face resemble someone from his relatives, that's why he got interest on talking to you even if he doesn't really like talking to girls for some reason.

But right now, he knew the answer he was questioning himself the time he saw you.

You are one of his relatives.

"There is something wrong," you stated.

"My name...is Iguro Obanai," he said still staring at you.

Did you hear him right? Yes, you did. "You have the same name as my mother!"

"Did you know anything about where your mother came from?" He asked.

Is he a relative? you thought.

"She doesn't tell me that much, but I think she said one time that she's from a forest town called...uhm...I forgot but it sounds like...Uch...Uchika? Uchiniko—"


"Uchiko! That's right! The town of Uchiko, that's what she said before," you said. "Though, she didn't really told me anything more...as far as I could remember."

"I see," he said and didn't talk again.

He wanted to ask more about you and your mother but he was reminded by his past.

He wanted to ask more about you and your mother but he was reminded by his past

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Obanai left instantly once you reached the Butterfly estate. Of course you thanked him before he left.

Entering the place, you were met by the girl Shinobu introduced to you earlier. Kanao. You smiled at her as a greeting where she smiled back too.

You noticed that she's wearing a butterfly hairpiece too. Is it required here—

"F/N-chan, you're back! I have something for you!" Kanae greeted and dragged you inside.

The two of you sat in a bench and handed you a small box. Confused of what it contains, you opened it and speaking what you were talking about earlier, it's a blue butterfly hairpiece.

 Confused of what it contains, you opened it and speaking what you were talking about earlier, it's a blue butterfly hairpiece

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It's so beautiful...

"Because you are going to stay here from now on, I'll give you that one so you're officially a people of the Butterfly Estate!" She exclaimed and smiled widely. "Do you like it?"

You nodded slowly as you touch the hairpiece and admire its beauty. "It's so beautiful..."

"I'm glad you like it! It is one of my collections on my wardrobe, but I'm always wearing this two," she pointed at her hairpiece with a color of pink and green. "So I've never wore that one, and decided to just give it to you!"

"Thank you very much! It's really beautiful!" You said and smiled at her.

Of course you wanted to wear it, so you fixed your hair into a low ponytail and placed the hairpiece there, Kanae was looking at you, smiling. "Does it...look good?" You ask.

She giggled. "It does! I knew I chose the right color, it fits your white hair!" She said.

"Thanks again."

"You're welcome!"

Later on, Kanae bid her goodbye because she was sent on another mission. You thought she must be a really cool person because she is a hashira, she can defeat any demons because she's strong.

Shinobu gave you a room where you can stay permanently. She also gave you some clothes that fits on you.

Somehow, you felt really embarassed that they are doing this for you for free so you insisted on helping Aoi on cooking, cleaning, and other house chores.

"You actually don't need to help, I'm used to this, F/N-chan," Aoi said while hanging some newly washed blankets.

"Just let me help you, Aoi-chan! Because to be honest, I don't really want to stay here doing nothing!" You said as you took a blanket and helped her hang it.

Aoi let out a sigh. "Fine, but don't work that much," she said. "Actually, F/N-chan, seeing how your hair color changed on its own... I really do feel that you have a talent on something."

"I'm also thinking about that, but I don't really have a thing that I'm good at," you replied.

"Most of the demon slayers' hair changed because of their skills, I wonder...Maybe you have some skills on fighting too," she said. It made you stop.

"Fighting...like killing demons?"

She nodded. And you noticed her change of emotion. "I am actually aiming to be a demon slayer...But I am really worst at swinging my sword, but the Kocho sisters took me in, and because I still want to help as a demon slayer...I'm more like a Kakushi, the difference is just, I stay here and aid the injured slayers."

"It must be an honor, curing them," you said and continued hanging the fabrics. Aoi surprisingly turned to you. "You sounded like you're disappointed that you can't be a slayer like Kanae-san, or any other slayers...But if you're not here, it would be a hassle that no one's gonna take care of the injured, right?"

Tears formed in Aoi's eyes, and you only smiled. "You're...right. It is an honor to help."

While the two of you are still hanging the fabrics, your attention was caught by a girl who came out of the estate. It was Kanao.

"Uhm...Aoi-chan, I've been noticing since earlier...I've never heard Kanao talk," you said.

Aoi chuckled. "She is indeed a quiet person," she said. "She only talks when it was needed, or if she was ordered."


She hummed. "I've heard from Kanae-san and Shinobu-san that Kanao's past isn't really nice. They found her tied up like a dog, and the guy holding her was about to sell her. So the two took them in...

...I feel like she's traumatized, afraid to decide on her own, that's why she only do things when she was told to," she explained.

You looked at Kanao, a faint smile on her face, you can't really tell what's going on her mind right now.

"Did you ever talk to her?" You asked.

She hummed as an answer. "Yeah...But not like this kind of talk we're having right now. But I understand why she's like that," she said. "And the Kocho sisters are planning to train her to be a demon slayer."

"Is being a demon slayer...really good?"

"Huh? Well...yeah. But it is a dangerous job, of course. But it leads you on helping people," she answered.

You thought of it. Being a demon slayer does really sound interesting.

I mean, you're not afraid of dying anymore, you have no one left in your real family. If your death is caused by a demon, isn't it a real honor that you died helping other innocent people?

to be continued.

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