❄️ 70

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"You what?" Giyuu asked while frowning.

"You heard me," F/N said. "I don't know why but that happened." She shrugged her shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Isn't it obvious? I don't want to make you worry," F/N said and placed her hands on her back and walked very cheerful. "But I'm perfectly fine!"

Giyuu sighed. "You're always like that."

The girl chuckled. "I woke up 3 hours later!"

"That doesn't mean it's good. You still fainted," Giyuu said while catching up on her pace. "Maybe you're training your demon too much. You can rest, you know?"

She shook her head. "I need Yoru more, so I need to keep pushing...all for my brother."

Giyuu just stared at her. "F/N," he called as he stopped walking.

F/N turned to him with a pout and also stopped her feet from moving. "Hmm?"

"Be careful next time," he said calmly. A gentle smile grazed on her lips and slowly intertwined her hand to his.

"I will be careful," she said, almost whispering. Giyuu only sighed.

"F/N-chan, don't tire yourself too much, okay?" Shinobu said while leaving the estate

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"F/N-chan, don't tire yourself too much, okay?" Shinobu said while leaving the estate. "I won't be here to check up on you!"

"I won't!" She replied and watched her completely disappear.

It's been two days since her sudden faint and three days since the three boys and Tengen left the headquarters. It made her wonder what they are doing right now.

Tengen did mention that they are hunting a demon at a said place that she totally forgot, and the Sound Pillar is sure that a strong demon is lurking in there.

Today, she decided to train herself instead of training Yoru, so she'll stop and rest once she feel tired. It's also Shinobu's suggestion not to force herself.

But her training was stopped by a clashing sound of her sword against another sword. She clicked her tongue as she looked up to the sword and the wavy-styled blade made her roll her eyes away. "What?" She asked.

"It's getting dark, aren't you gonna rest?" Obanai asked and placed his blade back to its sheath.

"I just started an hour ago," F/N retorted.

"Well if you're not tired...Want to come with me?"

F/N frowned. "To where?"

Obanai's expression turned bored. "To where Uzui is."

She immediately perked up. "Why? Do they need back ups?"

"Apparently, there's a demon from the Twelve Kizuki," he answered that made her eyes widened. "And they're probably fighting it right now."

F/N shoved him away and entered the house. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going to change into uniform!" She yelled. Obanai raised his brows upon the realization that she's wearing a simple white hakama.

"Then why are you rushing?" He asked while following her.

"Eh?" She muttered. "Onii-san, if there's an Upper Moon in there, then our help should be needed."

F/N opened her room door and slammed it close once she entered, causing her cousin to flinch at the sound. "It's Uzui we're talking about here, F/N. He won't lose to an Upper Moon."

She started changing in the quickest way she can, buttoning her blouse close and tucking it in her skirt. "Even so, it's still an Upper Moon. Aside from that, Rengo...ku-san..." She sighed before continuing. "You know what happened to him."

And what happened to Kanae, too.

She slid her haori and sword and opened the door once again. "Let's go," she said.

Obanai noticed the change of her emotions so he patted her head to at least make her feel that it's alright. He received a soft smile from her.

As the two left the Butterfly Estate, Obanai said that the place where Uzui and the others are located is at a place called Entertainment District.

F/N turned into Yoru so she can run faster than her normal speed, even jumping roof to roof, and surprisingly, the snake man is catching up to her.

"Are we the only ones coming?" F/N asked.

"The Kakushi should be behind now," Obanai answered.

Both of them are just sprinting all the way to the Entertainment district and reached the said place after two hours of traveling.

Only to be met with unsatisfying sounds of people crying and panicking, fire all around the place and some explosions.

"Where are they?" Obanai muttered and turned to her. "Can't you sense them?"

F/N tried looking around in order to find familiar spirits that she can track as Yoru, but to her luck, she can't sense anything. "This place is chaotic, I can't track them!"

Obanai clicked his tongue in frustration. "Let's go!"

"To where?!"

"To where the fire is bigger!"

The two of them started running again to no where, F/N hoping that everyone's fine. What if they're dead? No, no. They are strong.

"Uzui-san!" F/N shouted. But the sound of fire is louder than her voice. She was about to shout again but interrupted when Obanai pushed her. Then she heard something dropped from behind, only to realize that there's a burning wood that almost hit her.

"Yelling their names is useless!" Obanai said. "Use your senses again! We might be close!"

She looked around once again, her white marked irises glowed as she turn around, but she shook her head when she found nothing. "There's still no trace..." she said while panting. "It's also...suffocating."

Obanai turned to her worriedly. "Hang in there, F/N!" He yelled, immediately regretting that they entered the burning place. "Revert back and use your breathing technique!"

She obeyed and reverted back to human making her drop her knees to the ground. Then she unsheathed her sword and muttered a form, and after a few seconds, she felt cold again. "I'm...good."

Obanai helped her stand up but he suddenly felt a large amount of wind coming from their front, that made him tighten his hold to the girl who's still on the ground, also looking confused about that.

Then there was a loud explosion coming from a distance and before the explosion reached them, Obanai rapidly carried her and ran away from the area.

to be continued.

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