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"Do you want me to train you?" You suggested.

Zenitsu doesn't know what to react. You two just met each other and you literally came out of the blue and now you're asking him if you could help him.

"I w-would like to...But you're probably in a m-mission?" He stuttered.

You chuckled. "I'm actually done on my mission," you said. "I just defeated eight demons over there." You pointed to the forest where you came from.

He suddenly went silent so you turned to him, he's now shaking in fear. "T-T-There is a d-dem-m-m-on o-over t-t-there...?"

You smirked. "I think every place has a demon."

He sweat-dropped. "There's gonna be n-n-n-no more...right? F-From over...there?"

"I killed them all, don't worry!"

He sighed in relief. "You must be strong if you killed such a number of them," he said. "I've heard that there's ranks for every slayers...Which one are you? Y-You look so powerful and y-young...And even though I have a good hearing, I didn't even heard you coming."

"I'm a Hashira," you admitted. "Ice Pillar, to be specific."

His jaw dropped at your answer. "I...I am...talking...to a b-beautiful...hashira?!"

You placed a finger on your mouth, motioning him to keep his voice down, there might be people who's still sleeping. "How old are you?" He asked.

"I'm sixteen," you replied.

"Eh? B-But you don't really look like sixteen...More like t-thirteen," Zenitsu said.

"Many people says that, even my own comrades," you said while standing up. "So, would you agree if I train you before the sun rises?"

"Please help me!"

"Sensei, what is that girl doing here?

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"Sensei, what is that girl doing here?...And helping Zenitsu?" Kaigaku asked.

The mentioned sensei looked through the door, and saw a white haired girl, who's teaching his student the right and perfect way of wielding a sword. And surprisingly, Zenitsu seems to be listening carefully. Because she's a girl. He thought.

"She's quite familiar," said Kaigaku.

Jigoro looked to the girl again. And Kaigaku is right, she's familiar.

That haori...that blue eyes... "Isn't that the hashira?" Jigoro muttered.

"I knew it," Kaigaku mumbled. "How did she even ended up here?"

"Go and tell them to come here," the sensei ordered. Kaigaku had no choice but to go out and call them.

You were interrupted by a deep voice who's calling Zenitsu and "Oi, Hashira!" And you thought that was rude. Though, you ignored it anyways.

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