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"Alright, Kanao! Today and the next and the next day, I'll be the one to train you while Shinobu-san is away, if that's alright with you?" Say yes, Kanao. Say yes!

Kanao seems hesitant on answering. That makes her Kanao. "I-Is that...M-Master's order?"

How could I say no? F/N thought. "Well..." She scratched her head even though it's not itchy. "Yeah...But if you don't like and preferred training alone, I won't tell her."

Kanao gasped as she sweat-dropped. "P-Please train me..."

I still want her to say yes out of her own decision, though.

"Alright...Uh..." the frost girl's right eye squinted because of what she's thinking. "How...how do Shinobu-san...trains you?"

Right, before Shinobu left a while ago, she only said that she'll take her leave, and take care. And F/N forgot to ask about her training.

"She...spar with me using forms sometimes and...s-strengthening myself by surpassing my limits," Kanao answered while F/N is just looking straightly at her, making her even more nervous than she already is.

F/N already sparred with someone yesterday and now she's sparring again? But Shinobu asked her a favor and she also wants to see how Kanao improved ever since she met her. "Okay, then let's try fighting?" She walked towards the wooden sword and grabbed two for the both of them, handing the other one to the ravenette.

Kanao prepared a stance, still nervous about the fact that it's F/N she's going to fight, a demon slayer who became a hashira in a few months because of her sudden knowledge about the Breath of Ice that made her strong.

On the other hand, F/N also prepared a fighting stance in case Kanao attacked but suddenly got lost when she stared at the younger's eyes.

Kanae said before that she took Kanao with her because she felt bad at how other people treats her when they found the little girl. And she also said that she felt something special about her that became another reason why she's interested in taking her in.

F/N can't help but to agree with her now that she's staring at those purple eyes that seems like its glowing but it's not. Kanae even made sure that if she ever got interested in becoming a demon slayer, she'll use the same breathing form she uses, which is the Breath of Flower.

"You attack first," F/N said. Kanao nodded and sprinted towards her. "Not bad..." she whispered.

Hana no kokyū, Shi no kata: Beni Hanagoromo
[Breath of Flower, Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo]

The ice girl instantly shielded herself from the attacks using the sword or else she'll get hurt from the speed of charges Kanao used against her. "Fast..." she muttered.

Kanao's absolutely different whenever she's fighting. The stuttering girl was gone after she casted the Breath of Flower's fourth form.

The attacks were literally nonstop as she swung her sword endlessly. F/N mentally apologized that she'll have to use her own breathing technique to her.

Kōri no kokyū, San no kata: Atsuentōgen
[Breath of Ice, Third Form: Rolling Tundra]

The young tsuguko immediately backed up when she heard the hashira spoke her own breathing, but even though she stepped back, the attacks of the third form chased her.

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