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"Haven't seen you in a while," F/N said while pulling her kanzashi hairpin off, letting her hair fall down.

And the other person was really mesmerized with her beauty just by watching her hair smoothly loosen on her back.

F/N only chuckled when she saw his expression. "Hey, earth to Giyuu?"

The said person immediately shook his head and woke up from the reality, raising his brows at her and asking: "Yes?"

"What do you mean 'yes'? You're the one who came here," she replied.

"Oh...just wanted to check up on you?"

"For what?" She snickered. "What am I, a child?"

"There's nothing wrong about checking?" he retorted. "So, what's up?"

"I'm gonna be out for a while," she said. "I went to my former house just a few weeks ago."

His brows met. "You left to there?"

"The letters, mister," she muttered. "I think I've told you about getting it."

"So you got it?"

"Yeah... And apparently, just as I thought, there were some people mentioned on it." F/N looked back to see if someone's around and turned back to Giyuu when she saw nobody. "Maybe those two people knew what really happened to Hakuji."

"Are you going alone?" he asked.

"It's better to go alone," she said. "I'm leaving at day so there's nothing to worry about."

Giyuu only sighed and nodded. He wants to come with her of course. It's not like he's worried for the girl to go alone. Giyuu just wants to go with her. Moves. It failed, though.

F/N's eyes lit up when she suddenly thought of something. So she held the kanzashi hairpin and handed it to Giyuu while smiling gleefully.

He only frowned. "What am I gonna do with this?"

"Keep that," she said. "For nothing...I just wanted to give you something."

"F/N, I don't use this—"

"Huh? Of course you don't!" She snapped. "Just...keep it," she smiled and looked down. "Think of it as a memory."

"A remembrance, you mean?" She nodded

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"A remembrance, you mean?" She nodded. "You're not dying."

"That's a freaking statement?" She looked up again and met those cold steel blue eyes.

"But I'll keep it," he said and took the pin from her hand.

"I didn't mean it that way, Giyuu," she rolled her eyes. "I just want to give you something..." F/N felt really hot. She felt her blood going up all the way to her face. "...something that'll remind you of me."

A slight flush crept up his face, also with his mouth falling open.

"I s-still haven't give you something ever since you won this necklace for me...S-So, at least for now—Take that temporarily," she added.

"I preferred seeing it to you, though," he mumbled inaudibly.

"Come again?"

"I said I'll take it," he said and slid the pin on the pocket on his chest. Close to the heart. He thought. "I'm going then, you seemed fine."

"You ain't gonna visit Tanjiro?" F/N asked.

"Just send my regards," he said and waved while walking away.

F/N just watched him leave the mansion with a smile on her face. "Ahhh," she whined. "Why do I love you so much?"



"You love who?"

"AHHH!!!" F/N jumped on turned around. "Damn it, Aoi!"

Aoi snorted. "I'm sorry," she said in between those laughs. "I was about to call you but you said something like love someone so much—"

"Don't repeat it! Someone might hear you!" F/N said. Aoi laughed even more when she saw the crimson cheeks of the girl.

"Uh. Well who's here before I came?" Aoi asked.

"No one! I'm talking to myself!"

"Pfft. Yeah sure, F/N-san. You. can. keep. on. lying," she said and walked away. "Follow me, they're gonna lose to Kanao."

"I'm not—AHHH!!!"

"You can shut up now, it's pretty obvious who," she taunted.

"I don't love—" will she lie about that? no way. "No—who the hell cares anyways?!"

"Onii-san of yours?"



After taking a long while inside her room, F/N's finally done on changing her clothes after taking a bath, and as usual, she isn't wearing her uniform but a hakama instead.

"You're leaving too?" Aoi asked when she saw the girl walking outside.

"Yep! Gotta start searching now!" She cheerfully said.

"Good luck, F/N-san!" She cheered. "The three will also leave today, you might catch up with them outside."

"Alright, I will," F/N replied. "I'll leave the place to you!"


And as Aoi said, the three boys are outside the mansion, talking. to the three little girls, Naho, Sumi, and Kiyo. So she also walked over to their direction but got distracted at a familiar figure outside and went there instead.

"Finally decided to visit?" She snickered.

"It won't hurt to talk," Giyuu muttered.

When Tanjiro noticed them, he instantly ran towards them and thanked Giyuu for the help that he did to him and Nezuko.

"It's nothing," Giyuu replied before disappearing in a fast way.

F/N only chuckled at Giyuu's actions before turning to Tanjiro. "Be careful at your new mission, Tanjiro."

"I will do my best!" He exclaimed.

"I'm also on a hurry, so please tell Zenitsu and Inosuke to take care of themselves," she said.

"Sure thing!" Tanjiro said and watched the hashira also disappeared in the winds.

But even though she's gone, the hints of her scent was left in front of him, the same goes for Giyuu's.

"Admiration?" he mumbled.

Now he wondered, F/N's smile while talking to Giyuu a while ago is kinda different for him.

to be continued.

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