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After all of that romance stuffs that happened four months ago, Giyuu became more soft towards her, always smiling gently at her which he doesn't normally do because he always have that cold expression, and that new Giyuu made F/N fall even more.

She didn't know that he can have a side like this and F/N definitely like it.

Tonight's training for herself and Giyuu's with her again after the two of them just went back from their districts and after seeing that it's fine, they went back home for her training.

Giyuu's just watching on how she effortlessly sliced the dummies in pieces using her blade while in her demon form. And even on her demon form, Giyuu still finds her beautiful.

"Aren't you getting tired?" He asked.

"I feel nothing," she said and lowered her weapon. "Maybe regeneration?"

"You can actually regenerate?"

F/N made a cut on her wrist that caused him to stand on his feet but calmed down when he saw the wound closed up in a second. She only chuckled at him. "Calm down."

"Even though you're regenenerating, I don't like seeing you bleed," he said and walked towards her. "You still haven't told me how you managed to control it."

F/N hummed. "I thought something that made me mad."

"What is it?"

She glared at him that made him flinch. "You, flirting with somebody else," she said in a serious tone.

"Oh come on, I won't do that," he said.

F/N rolled her eyes and chuckled while slipping her sword back to the sheath. "I'm just kidding, I know you won't," she said. "You getting killed by Muzan really angered me." She looked back to him with a pout.

"Then I won't let myself get killed by him so you won't get mad," Giyuu said. "But keep thinking that I will, so you will get mad."

"I'm going to protect you!" She snapped.

"No need, I can protect myself," he said. "Just protect yourself." Then he placed a hand on top of her head and smiled.

"You better make sure of that."

"Yes Ma'am," he said and gave her forehead a peck.

F/N was on her way home when she heard some yelling from the inside and another familiar voice that sure doesn't belong on the Butterfly Estate, so she walked faster but carefully since she's wearing a geta

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F/N was on her way home when she heard some yelling from the inside and another familiar voice that sure doesn't belong on the Butterfly Estate, so she walked faster but carefully since she's wearing a geta. (a Japanese sandals with heels)

"L-Let go of Aoi! Grrr!!! E-Even of y-you're a muscle b-bound monster, I won't r-retreat one step!" Zenitsu exclaimed nervously. Tengen became silent while looking at them weirdly.

"Let Aoi go," someone said calmly.

Tengen suddenly felt something cold from behind and whem he looked back, he saw a fuming hashira who's left hand are holding Aoi's sleeve and is looking at him expressionless. "Soyama?"

"F/N-san," Aoi muttered helplessly.

"None other than," she muttered. "Take the three with you and not the girls."

He only frowned at her. "And what rights do you even have on saying that? Are they your Tsuguko?"

F/N glared at him. "I don't need to explain everything to you, just let her go before I pop your muscles out here."

"I don't care about your freak outs," he scoffed.

There's a sudden gust of wind and all the people on the ground flinched when they saw her eyes changed and immediately grabbed Aoi from his grasp which he didn't expect and carefully placed her beside the others. The three girls ran up to her and embraced her in worry. "Thank you, F/N-san!" They yelled in chorus which she only nodded.

As F/N looked back to glare at Tengen again, his eyes widened to see her white irises with symbols and sighed. "Fine, whatever," he rolled his eyes. "You guys come with me. But you better not let me down!" He turned back to the Ice Pillar. "You come too!"

"You can't order me around," she scowled. "I have a lot of other things to do."

Tengen only shrugged his shoulders and jumped off the arch and started walking, the three boys following behind him.

But he stopped walking when F/N called his name. "Uzui-san! You better bring those boys back alive!"

"Depends if they can keep themselves alive!" He yelled back. He was about to force her to tag along since the mission is perfect for her but he remembers that there's two pillars who will definitely won't let him sleep if they learn that he forced her to go namely, Giyuu and Obanai.

Back to the estate, F/N only sighed after watching them disappear in the distance. "Something's not gonna go right," she mumbled. She could've come but she's not lying when she said that she has other things to do and one of them is to train her other self even more.

She walked back inside the place and saw how nervous Aoi is while still being comforted by the other girls. F/N's gonna make sure that this will reach Shinobu, she smirked upon thinking that.

"F/N-san?" Kanao called.


"Y-Your eyes hasn't r-reverted back," she informed.

"Really?" she muttered before walking to the kitchen to drink some water which she thinks that it worked based on how her body become so light and calmer.

She even looked at her reflection on the water from the cup and sighed when she saw her normal eyes. "That's great."

to be continued.

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