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Giyuu felt like he was showered by cold water. "What?"

F/N closed her eyes and turned around, embarrassed to what his cousin just blurted out.

"Tomioka, Tomioka—"

"Onii-san, enough," she whispered-yelled.

Giyuu then turned to the girl. "You told him?"

Obanai gritted his teeth. "So something really happened?!"

"No—Giyuu I—FUCK! Whatever!" She shouted and walked away.

"What's wrong about that?" Giyuu asked when he turned back to the fuming hashira while composing himself.

"Do you know how old she is?" Obanai asked.

"I am aware," Giyuu answered coolly. "I think you're acting a little overreacting here, go talk to her," he said and slammed the gate close.


The water pillar only sighed before walking back inside his house, leaving the yelling Obanai outsidd the gate.

Obanai on the other hand tried calming himself but the thought of someone smooching on his beloved cousin just made him uneasy.

He already talked about it before and doesn't have a problem if ever F/N dated Giyuu, but he thinks that 'kissing' is a little bit fast. He admits that he likes Mitsuri but never once he thought about touching her.

He decided to forget about Giyuu instead and looked around in attempt to find F/N but she's nowhere to be seen. "Where the hell did she go?"

The Ice Hashira didn't even returned to the Butterfly Mansion when she left her cousin at Giyuu's place

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The Ice Hashira didn't even returned to the Butterfly Mansion when she left her cousin at Giyuu's place. She don't care anymore.

Right now, she went to the river where she once visited when she told Giyuu the truth about the Crescent Moon. She sat on the rock and admired the moving water, the sunset illuminating it, resulting it to sparkle beautifully.

Her mouth unconsciously arched a smile as she remembered the day when Giyuu accepted her despite being a demon.

"It won't be bad to build feelings for him, right?" She whispered.

F/N looked up to where the sky is. Darkening blue can be seen, defining that it's going to turn night time in a few minutes. Luckily, she brought her sword with her when she visited Obanai and is already in her uniform so it won't be a problem if ever a demon comes out in this place.

She was locked up in the thoughts about the possible outcome of her starting feelings for the ravenette. Does he actually like her?

They've been together ever since she was found. Giyuu found her, remember?

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