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You rushed to go back at the headquarters, straight to the master's residence. Every demon slayer who you've passed is staring at you weirdly.

The master's wife, Amane is outside of the house and you immediately called her. "AMANE-SAMA!"

She turned to your direction with a worried look on her face. "F/N?"

You bowed down in front of her. "May I...May I talk to Oyakata-sama?"

"I'll call him. Come inside," She said and guided you inside the house. "Kids! Please prepare a drink for the Ice Hashira!"

You sat down on the mat and tries to calm down, but just thinking about it makes you want to cry.

In relief that you won't have to find her anymore; and the fact that Yoru can become an asset to the Demon Slayer Corps. But at the same time, you're not sure if Yoru can actually be one of you. Will she devour human? Using your body?

Kiriya handed you a glass of water which you gladly accepted with a smile before drinking it. And later on, Kagaya arrived and sat in front of you.

"Sorry for the sudden call...I just really think that I have to tell this especially to you, Oyakata-sama," you said.

"It is fine, F/N," he said with a smile. "Tell me what you need to tell me."

"I'm not sure yet, but I tried connecting the dots...From the information I learned about the Crescent Moon Demon...And her brother which is the Upper Moon Three," you started explaining. "Which is my brother too...The information I have gathered before said that the Crescent became a crescent because she has a demon blood running through her veins and she's also the Upper Moon Three's sister."

Kagaya didn't speak and lets you talk while he listened carefully. "I also had a dream yesterday...The Upper Moon Three is talking to some girl, she has white eyes with marks that says 'Crescent Moon Three' and Akaza was telling her to join them with Muzan... He called her Yoru, which means that she's really the Crescent," you explained. "He's holdin her hand...A-And I saw, the marks on her hands is the s-same as..." you breathed deeply. "The same as the marks that appeared on me."

Kagaya's expression changed. He looks surprised on what he just heard. "The demons I've fought always mistaken me as someone highly...They keep apologizing for what they did and now I understand why...Because I am the Crescent Moon Three," you said. "I don't know how...I'm not even sure about it, I don't have a demon blood—or maybe I'm not aware about it."

"F/N," Kagaya called. "Calm down," he said. "Do not fear. As long as you control it, there will be no problem."

"I don't want to tell everyone," you said, remembering how Obanai and Sanemi really loathes demons. What could've happened if they learned that you are one too?

"I understand, my child." He smiled again. "Tell them when you are ready."


While walking home, you somehow chuckled when you realized that you left the bag of bread somewhere earlier.

You keep staring at your hands, thinking about the marks that appeared just a few days ago. You're not sure if you can control it, but you want to do your best and not to fail Kagaya.

And not just Kagaya, but the others too. What would they say to you once they learned that you're a demon, too?

You've never devoured a human before so that means you're different from the others, right?

The crescent moon is almost as strong as the demon lord himself, Muzan. That's why the master believes in her. Aside from the Hashira and the rest of the demon slayer, Yoru will also be one of they key in succession to defeat Muzan.

When you reached the Butterfly Estate, you were greeted by Kiyo, who's watering the plants. "Oh, welcome back, F/N-san!"

You only nodded to her ang gave her a warm smile before entering the house. You met no one in the halls so you headed straight to your room only to find a folder paper in your table.

You grabbed it and unfolded it.


I wrote this letter last night after you left for patrol, and I want to say everything I want to say to you.

I've been noticing your expression since last day, I know that something's bothering you. I don't want to meddle with it if it is too personal, but I want to let you know that I'm willing to listen about it. Whatever it is, nothing will change.

The other girls are also worried about your state, it's obvious that you're not being cheerful as usual, and they want to see that again.

Please come to me if you want to talk, alright?


"And here I thought no one noticed," you chuckled. You turned to your bed and the haori Aoi cleaned is folded neatly on top of it. You took the cloth and embraced it as if it's a human. "I'll free you, I promise."

You sat on the edge of your bed and looked outside the window. As much as you want to talk to Shinobu, you promised yourself not to tell anyone about yourself and the information you have.

And if ever Shinobu herself came to you and ask, you'll just have to tell her that you miss your brother, and no more. But you somehow felt bad that you made her worry so you stood up and went to her office.

Knocking three times, you heard her voice telling you to come in. You slowly opened the door and smiled. "Shinobu-san," you called.

She was surprised to see you. "Oh, F/N-chan...have a seat." You nodded and obeyed.

"I have read your letter," you started. "I'm sorry...I've been thinking of my brother this past few days."

She sighed in relief. "I thought something worst is bothering you," she said. You gulped slightly. "Everyone is worried and noticed that you're down...If ever you want to talk, we're here for you."

A soft and grateful smile appeared on your lips. "Thank you...I will."

You left her office and planned to go outside but to your surprise, Giyuu is standing by the gate. "Tomioka-san?"

"You're not going to tell me anything?" He asked.

Frowning, you walked closer to him. "What are you talking about?"

"Blame your crow for being talkative," he said that made your eyes widened. "So...what are you, really?"

to be continued.

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