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"What if...try to make me angry again?" F/N asked to the sitting man in front of him who only sighed at her suggestion.

"How am I supposed to do that?" Giyuu asked.

Right now, Giyuu decided to visit her at night to see if he could help her control her demon side. And it's been two hours since F/N started exhausting herself by swinging her blade on the air to try pissing herself off but nothing's working.

"Piss me off!" She snapped.

"I can't really do that, F/N," Giyuu said.

"GIYUU!!! PLEASE!!! I'm so tired of thinking anything else that can trigger her transformation and I still gain nothing!" She complained and dropped herself on the ground.

Giyuu stared at her blankly, aware that she's already getting pissed so might as well push it further. "Maybe you're not concentrating enough."

"I am! Did you see how serious I am—"

"Being serious and concentrating are far from each other," he said while crossing his arms.

F/N crinkled her forehead in his words. "I'm doing both!"

"Do better," he said.

She released a frustrating sigh and stood up on her feet so she can sit beside him. "That won't work anymore, Giyuu," she said calmly.

"I'm serious."


"F/N, get the hell out of my side and focus," he firmly said, but felt nervous because he doesn't want to say that.

"I'm tired," she retorted.

"You won't achieve anything from slacking," he said.

"You know I'm not slacking," she said and pouted.

"If you're not then leave my side and start again," Giyuu said.

F/N turned to him with tears forming in her eyes. "It doesn't make me mad, Giyuu."

Giyuu's eyes widened when he faced her, immediately turning his whole body to her direction and doesn't know what to do. "It's not—I didn't mean anything of that. I'm only trying to—"

"Shh..." she signalled him to stop. "I know you're just doing that on purpose," she said before looking upwards as she threw her head back. "I'm just actually tired...I can't move forward," she said in a whisper.

"Don't push yourself," Giyuu said.

She sniffled. "I'm already trying the best I could do...Why can't she just come out?"

"It's not over, F/N," Giyuu said and placed a hand on her eyes. "There's still a lot of time."

"There isn't," she opposed. "What if Muzan just came to attack all of us—"

"If you saw Muzan's face wouldn't you be angry to the point that you'll be able to control your other self?" Giyuu asked. "Maybe Yoru's created to be controlled under anger towards demons, that's why it appeared completely when you're mad at the Upper Moon Three."

F/N gently removed his hand away from her eyes but didn't let go of it and placed it on her lap while looking at it. "I don't know..." she mumbled. "I thought that I'll be able to control it now that I woke her up...But I guess that's all I think. Ever since then, even the marks doesn't appear like what happened two years ago."

"Don't lose hope," he said. "You'll be able to control her, don't worry."

F/N bit her lip while her tears fell on her cheeks. "And what If I don't?"

"Then fight like you usually do," he said. "You're a demon slayer at first, a pillar to be exact...Let's defeat Muzan as demon slayers if you can't control her."

"But Yoru can be a lot of help...so I really need to..." She gulped.

"F/N, can I ask a question?"

"Sure," she responded.

"Does your demon...make you immortal?" he asked. F/N immediately faced him.


"Just answer it."

"I...don't know," she said.

"Because what would you do if it causes you to live forever?" He asked. "I...won't be happy about that."

"Giyuu..." she whispered.

"If I died," he gulped. "I can't...leave you."

"Huh?" She muttered.

Giyuu faced her once again with dull eyes. "I don't want to leave you. I can't do that."

F/N looked down. "I don't exactly know if her life is endless and so do I..."

Giyuu chuckled dry as he looked up to the sky again. "Please be not."

"Why don't you want to leave me?" she asked.

"That's a dumb question," Giyuu said. "Let me ask you. Do you want me to leave you?"

"No!" She answered immediately.

"Figured," he muttered. "But I'm okay if you left, but I also hope not."

"I can't promise you..."

"I can't promise you too," he said. "We're literally on a job where we put our lives on the line to end this whole hell of a world with demons. But I'm saying that if ever it's over, and we're still alive...If we grow old and I died of age and you're not...I can't handle that."

Her cheeks turned crimson as he spoke that. Grow old? Does he mean together? "I—" She cleared her throat. "And what if I died instead? I can't handle leaving you, too."

"For you," he said. "But for me, it's fine. I only said that I can't handle leaving you only if you're not dying. But if you're as normal as me...Then that won't be a problem. If I died of age, I'll just wait a few for you to follow."

"Giyuu, why are you saying this?" she asked. Giyuu shifted his gaze to her and gulped.

"Am I not obvious?" He asked. "Or are you just dense?"

F/N smiled softly. "I'm not sure...I don't want to assume things."

"We're not dumb, I guess," he said. "Tell me."

"Tell you what?" She asked.

Giyuu moved his hand that she holds and intertwined it, causing the girl to flinch a little at the sudden action. "I just said that we're not dumb."

F/N swallowed hard and sighed before speaking. "How do I—"

"Just say it."

The girl blinked a few before opening her mouth and looking down. "I love you." she whispered. "Ever since...the f-festival, it all started there."

Giyuu smirked and lifted her chin, pulling her into a deep kiss that resulted her to close her eyes. He lets go but the distance is still close when he spoke. "I love you." This time, F/N's the one to pull for the kiss and smiled through that, happy that she can finally say what she feel out loud to him. The same goes for him.

But what will be the cost?

to be continued.


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