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2 weeks later

"Oh? You're leaving, F/N-chan?" Shinobu asked when she saw the frost headed girl leaving her estate in a kimono.

"Yeah...I'll probably be back before sunset," F/N said and waved at her.

"Take care!"

Today's the day she decided to search about something important.

A few days ago, she remembered the letter that her brother gave her when they were young. She recalled that there's some names mentioned in that letter, so she wants to look for them and ask what happened that turned him that way.

It's been years and she haven't seen him again.

Despite the heavy of feeling of the possibility of seeing her mother, she continued on going. F/N doubt that she'll be recognized.

She wonders if her mother went back there or even attempted on looking for her own daughter. But even if she did, it won't change the fact that F/N doesn't consider her as a mom anymore.

F/N's already a grown up lady. An 18 year old girl who's been fighting demons since 13. For herself, she doesn't need a mother anymore. She grew up without her, so it's fine.

It took her three hours of walking before arriving at the town she once lived. "Nothing changed here," she muttered. A sad smile appeared on her lips before continuing on her way towards their old house.

Thankfully, she can still remember the way over there and arrived in front of their house.

She opened the door and saw that it's still the same when she left it 8 years ago. Seems like her mother didn't come back.

F/N didn't waste any moment and ran her hands through everywhere in order to find that letter which she found beside her old bed in her room. The letter is so dusty and some parts of it are already torned. What does she expect after leaving it untouched for 8 years?

After getting what she needed, she immediately went out to the light and started reading it.


I'm guessing that you're 12 now, right? Since you're reading this? Unless you cheated and read this after giving it to you?

But anyways, Happy Birthday? or belated? If you are 12 now, then I'm happy for you. You're slowly turning into a lady! A beautiful one! I hope that by this day I'm beside you, telling you stories or singing you to sleep. Maybe we could play and go out anywhere you're happy?

I'm sorry that I left you, F/N. I didn't want that. I actually don't want to leave you with Mom. But I can't. I have nothing to feed you, you know? As much as I wanted to get you out from there, I just know that you'll suffer more with me.

Dad actually died a month before giving this to you. It's my fault. He got sick and we can't afford buying his medicines so I started stealing from people...I got punished because of that of course. But I just wanted to give Dad what he needs. Because I wanted him to live longer.

Mom's aware of it but she didn't do anything...I don't want you getting mad at her, but to tell you the truth, they separated before because Dad can't give her what she wants. When Dad started getting sick, he can't give Mom some money anymore because he can no longer work. That's the reason why they separated. I am aware from the beginning but because you're young, I don't want you to stress out about it. Onii-chan tried, okay?

Right now, as I'm writing this letter. I'm currently living in a house for free. It's just at the next town...Well not really free but I only have to take care of a sick person which isn't hard for me. Her name's Koyuki. Ahh, F/N. I'm sure you two will probably get along. Despite being sick, she's so kind and sweet. And even her father too!

Aside from taking care of Koyuki, her father, Keizo is also training me in his dojo. One day, I'll get you from there and if someone tried hurting you, I'll defend you by using this skills that he taught me. I promise that, F/N!

I told Koyuki about you, and she said that she wants to meet you and befriend you. Must be so nice, yeah? So grew up already so I can bring you to her!

I'll take you away from there, promise! Just always be good and don't make her mad, alright? Then I'll help you escape there.

Oh! The haori! Take care of that too! Consider that as my lifetime gift for you. If you ever felt cold, just wear that and think of it as me embracing you, okay?

Happy Birthday again and don't be sad! I don't like seeing you sad. I love you my little moon!"

Yours truly,

F/N gulped while tears are falling out of her eyes. "Promises are meant to be broken," she muttered. "Onii....chan." She covered her eyes with her free hand and let her tears defest her trembling body.

"Why did you become a demon?" She asked while sobbing. "You could've at least searched for me!"

"A-Are you okay?"

She instantly stopped crying and turned to the lady who spoke. "Uh..."

"Did someone hurt you?" She asked.

She shook her head, already feeling embarassed. "T-Thanks for your concern but I'm fine...Just got carried away..."

"Oh alright, I see, please take care!" She said and left.

F/N sighed before wiping her tears off and started walking away with the letter.

to be continued.

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