Chapter 2

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So the family returned and the girl returned to her room. While the father on the other hand was pacing. "Relax," Frisk said to the goat man.

"It's not that. It's what if she asks where it came from. We never really ever taught her about how my magic works. So naturally she would believe everything the school taught her. I'm just panicking" the girl then mentioned family. "But Sans handles everything with jokes. Along with she never met them. Due to your pressuring. So now you want to. Not to mention Sans and them might react poorly. Considering" he was about to freak.

The woman in a blue striped shirt went over and hugged the man. "Asriel calm down. They won't be using that power for evil. They have a strong heart and besides" she then bonked him with a stick. Not hard of course. "Not to mention she is our child. Not to mention she is insanely stubborn which she gets from her father" he said she had it backwards.

"You're the stubborn one," he said, kissing her. "But yes, I think she has a good heart. But the implication of this power is unknown. Especially in a human" he said and looked at the several phone numbers on his contacts.

They just sighed, "they would have to have met them at some point. Might as well do it now whether than later" she said and he nodded.

Meanwhile with Flow

I was messing with my newfound mutant quirk. "It's cool but it feels like" suddenly a white dot appeared floating in the air. "Huh" I touched it and just grazing it hurt. But then suddenly it was like the room I was in disappeared. It turned pitch black as I was put in a box. "Is th-this me?" I stuttered.

"Well yes and no" I stood up in the black space and the box disappeared. But I didn't feel alone. "Who's there?" I said and a white light lit the area.

"Howdy I'm Flowey"

"Flowey the Flower hahahahahahahahahahaha"

I looked up at the TV face and I was completely afraid. I was shaking. 'Th-this is a dream' "it's not" I took a step back in fear.

But then something in me made me stop and stand up to it. "Oh really so then your not going to give in like him. You think I'll just give you my powers like that. You only touched the surface of what you can do. I mean my magic is completely different from your father's" "but magic isn't real" "HAHAHAHAHAHA. Is that what you think? How do you think that softy is able to do so much? From creating swords to blasters heck even stars out of seemingly nowhere. So then tell me how your school books answer that. Your older friends are wrong. You knew this yet you believed them" I said be quiet. "Make me" it had no sympathy and kindness.

But I thought about how my father uses his quirk or I guess magic. It sort of fit together like puzzle pieces. But then I noticed my mind expanding and I started knowing more than I should. "How do I know that we haven't even gone over it yet" the TV just smirked as he disappeared.

I looked around, "you have no idea what we are capable of doing. You'll soon see there is no point in having friends" suddenly a light lit on one single flower. "Just kill them. They aren't anything special" I gripped my fist and thorns shot out of my arm and I could use my arm like a deadly club. "Oh emotions, they were so annoying. But now that softy" "shut up" his smile wouldn't disappear.

"You know nothing about me or my dad so shut up before I make you" he just started laughing as I noticed the area started lighting up in a pitch white. I could hardly see. "You aren't in control. When did you think that" I got more angry. "As soon as you get a grasp on your power nothing will be able to stop you. That stupid idiot thought I was gone. You're wrong I know your father probably even better than you do" my hair started changing from brown to a yellow and green color. "You should be figuring it out yourself. When you get a grasp on your power the world will be in the palm of your vine. Hahahahahahahaha. Your life will turn to hell. I'll make sure of that" I felt something start to appear. A feeling that is beyond strong. His laughing started dying as my thorns caught fire. But when he stopped he was very intimidated.

"You're not in control either so shut up and just let me have our power. You're not going to be in control" his smile faltered a little. "Oh boy you just didn't get me. Oh boy being a hero will be ten times harder now" the black area started turning back into my room.

When everything was normal again, I heard my mother calling. "Coming" I ran downstairs, and you see I have been curious since mom said she had cut ties with her side of the family it was only my dad's.

"We were umm thinking it is uhhh time you met the rest of the family" I was excited. We are going this weekend" I smiled and said awesome. Which of course made them laugh.

But I didn't expect them to be so scary.

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