Chapter 35

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Flow POV

I woke up sore this time. I opened and it seemed like my parents were at the ready. "Chill it's me" I smiled. They relaxed.

"I'm guessing Flowey's determination finally kicked" I nodded and said I have it under control.

"They were very willing when I told them that they were already happy" my dad nodded smiling but they were shocked. "I also healed them. Since they weren't even half of what they used to be" Flowey checked me and told me my attack hasn't budged. I then started feeling the sensation of burning.

"Flow" I then held out my hand and suddenly I was able to summon a knife. It was bright red and it felt like my hand was burning up. "So that's the red soul's trait huh. Seven souls. A monster with seven souls. Just like dad tried to become to break the barrier. A god amongst monsters" my eyes widened. "Careful with this power. Remember what Sans told you what happened during her entrance exam" I nodded and said I would be careful. "Now Flow our final question. Does that load button look tempting" I pulled it up and did notice slight temptation but nothing I couldn't ignore.

"No. I mean a little. But nothing I can't ignore" I smiled.

'My save files come with memories that's why it will hurt' I nodded and said I would be careful. They said it be now best if my costume didn't even exist. "Huh. I mean Mr. Aizawa" my face showed confusion now that I thought about it except the goggles. "He looks like a hobo" it was quite but then my parents burst out laughing.

"Gee thanks" I turned and said person was there. I panicked, "glad to see you're awake. Everyone else did their exam. When you're ready. Also, last minute change. Since All Might isn't here, you'll be fighting me" I was a little worried. "In retrospect if I can beat your old man. I could certainly beat you."

'He's quite confident. Reminds me of the comedian' she said.

"How the exam works is if you either cuff me or go through the gate you win. But if I immobilize you, I win, and you fail" I turned determined.

"I'm not going down without a fight" I proclaimed.

Little did I know it wouldn't be that simple.

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