Chapter 24

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Flow POV

I was standing in front of Aunt Undynes door. I took a deep breath and knocked. When it opened, "I need your help" she was confused until I explained. She was about to say yes until Alphys said they were in a middle of a marathon. "Ah man. Sorry. Wait actually maybe Sans and Chara or even Papyrus might be able to help" I thanked her and went to each person's and monster's door.

Sans and Chara said they were even busy. But I went home, "uhhhh dad. Can you help me train for the sports festival" Flowey kept telling me, but I saw my dad to go into thought. "Chara actually turned you down huh" it seemed he thought it wouldn't have turned like that. "Honestly Flow I know they probably would be against it. But Sans should be the one. After all he was the one that trained Chara" that made Flowey shocked. "I'm guessing he's scared is all. Mainly because he's suffered. Well, he should be the one telling you. I'll have Frisk give him a call. Considering that he's scared of her more than Chara" I nodded.

I then waited in my room. 'Stupid smiling trashbag' he complained. But then suddenly he appeared in my doorway, "Sorry but it was dad's idea to call mom to call you" he calmed down. "Well, we got a skele-ton of time" he chuckled, but I heard complaining downstairs. I moved so he can sit with me.

"Well, that explains why she seemed so stressed. She scares me more than she is afraid of me. But beside the point what did you need kiddo" I said train for the sports festival. "Well, aren't you the strongest there. Why do you think you need training" I said never stop training. "Otherwise, you'll end up lazy. So, what do you want to know" 'don't' he warned me. "We are you so well I could tell even though you were being open. Scared of me" he sighed and stood back up. "Well, it's a bit complicated. Something grownups should worry about" I twitched.

"Fine then train me on how my laser can be less powerful. Considering you have them to" he said sure.

So, we went to the roof, and I spawned some throwing stars. "The trick to the lasers is actually the same as any other magic" I noticed once he summoned the blaster it started huge, but I noticed the size changed and I was interested. I saw he blasted the stars in the sky, but they weren't even damaged. "Wow. When I was told after poking at Flowey multiple times. I didn't know magic that strong could be manipulated so easily" I smiled calmly.

"Well, it is in our veins. But my lasers are special. Actually, Papyrus has a blaster to. But something happened to it awhile back. Me and him had a sparring match. I shot its bottom jaw off. It never recovered. Unlike me. He can't summon an infinite number of them. I'm even though King Asgore was strong. I was the strongest monster in the underground. So, I was the one to decide wither Frisk was the one to save us. After many tries, she did" my eyes widened.

"Yes, the power did go to her head. Why do you think an evil aura comes from some of those save files. I'm sure the Flower told you they think about exp and LOVE" I nodded. "I'm glad the reset is with Frisk. Chara tries to hide it. But I know she sometimes misses the power. But when she learned the full extent of her power. Then did she move past it. Her personality is 'to the point' is you know what I'm saying. Don't let that load thing go to your head. Stick to the flowers saves. Only use Charas in a dire situation" I promised him.

I then tried to not destroy a star but failed. "Nice try. It takes practice" so I practiced for a while. Then ate some food and I asked about colored magic. "There are different types. Mettitons allows you to shoot lasers, Undynes obviously stops you from moving, you know blue and orange. Those are the main ones. Support is the light green" I thanked him.

"What do you specialize in. That way you can train that with me" he was hesitant. "Blue magic. The dark blue, so gravity" I was curious. "It's dangerous. Ok" I said ok and he then noticed my mind wandered off topic.

"Uhhh Uncle Sans I asked my parents this question. Besides my aunt being crazy. How did you two meet meet" he went into thought.

"I'll say kiddo. You're a curious one. It didn't go how I expected. I thought I would have to fight them. But instead, they gave me a hug. But then they said sorry. I was taken aback" he explained moms adventure in the underground and everything. Even what he called the genocide route. He even told me how dad got his soul. "A monster sacrificed their soul for him. Along with another sacrificing themselves for Chara. That's how she can use magic.

I'll never forget any of it. When we got out and when my worries disappeared, I was so happy. For I don't know how many resets. I am happy. Also don't hate them. They were dumb kids after all" I said I didn't hate them. Kids are curious. "Very true" I noticed his eyes turned kinda dark. "Very very true. They are" I didn't question it.

But we continued after calling Paul. But then something came to mind. "What does my soul look like" I said and Flowey came out. "Actually, I'm curious too" the monster in front of me said sure and I didn't make it black and white.

But a box appeared and I only to assume my soul appeared in front of me. It was green and white. Only I noticed that the bumpy part of the white side was upside-down. "Half monster huh. Well only makes sense" he said and pressed spare.

I as well pressed spare. But some other instinct wanted to press fight. "You are human. But just barely in another sense. Magic does run through your veins. But I think you have a quirk. Flowey could never regenerate" the monster on my shoulder confirmed this fact. "No wonder you can cause physical harm" I had question marks in a text box. "Well, you can do a lot" I asked what it could mean. "I don't know" I deadpanned.

But when we finished train. Well all the training, "well then see you next time kiddo. Good luck at the sports festival" I waved goodbye and said thank you.

'This will be a time to remember'

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