Chapter 13

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Flow POV

"This is the stupidest idea you have ever had" the flower said as Mina was walking with me as well as apparently her along with Toru found me walking. "Yeah, it is" my friends now know since I explained what my 'quirk' is actually like actual magic. "Can't tell anyone" I begged after I told them.

"It's fine we won't" I twitched. "Also, no helping. They have to see that I am fully capable to handle this power. Besides I owe my aunt a sparring match" they tilted their head. "Aunt Undyne is what mom said unique" we eventually reached the magic like bridge, and they were amazed as was I. I touched the clouds, and it was as soft as a pillow. "My parents probably already made it there" I said as we walked into town, and it was like a ghost town. 'Want to tell me anything about them' he explained everyone's magic.

I then ran calculations based on everything and I had a very clear plan. But I did see Paul at his house speaking to his parents and it seemed a ghost monster was looking him over. "I've never personally possessed something. But for my cousins they had to be scared out. But yours is a quirk not magic. So, I'm sorry Paul I don't think I can help" he said to my friend but noticed I arrived. "I uhhhhh have to go do something" he then faded away confusing the family, but I waved.

"Oh, hey Flow. Are those your friends" I nodded and introduced them. "Nice to meet you" he said and he said where everyone was. "Ok thank you. Wish this monster luck" he did, and we walked over to the center of town.

"Flow what if you lose" "then I lose" I said simply. "But I won't go down without a fight" I then with my magic and with some instructions from the Flowey made a plant dummy. "Uhhh" I then arrived, and everyone was there. I put the dummy down. "I'm ready. You lot are scared of us" Flowey appeared on my shoulder. "I'll show you lot that I can be a hero" I made it then and rapped it in some vines. I then put it and attached it to my back. "What's your idea Flow" Mina asked. "Very simple" I smiled. "They are playing the villain and I'm carrying a civilian to safety. I'm to protect them at all costs. So, then I grew up hearing stories that my parents were amazing people. So, I'm going to be a hero at all costs. If some power that has a negative aspect on it then I will prove that in my hands it will only bring harm to those that are deserving like villains and those that have broken the law" I said, and my arm turned into thorns then caught fire.

"Kiddo your pretty brave facing eight of us" I asked Mina to look after her scarf for a bit. I then in my other hand summoned some bugs. I then under my shirt readied something else. "Ready kid" I stared at all of them. "Start" my soul turned blue and Uncle Papyrus seemed to be first. He sent a whole bunch of bones at me, but it wasn't aunt Charas flame it was from Floweys flame thrower. It destroyed every bone. I then blocked the Trident and disarmed my grandpa and instantly threw it in the distance. I then kicked him away and I wasn't planning to deplete a lot of their hp. But I kept an eye on the two that seemed to be the main threat.

I dodged all the spears perfectly. I then through my shirt blasted the laser and collided with Mettitons. He ran out of power, and I overpowered my grandmas fire with my own. I then saw blue and orange attacks flying at me along with normal bones. I destroyed the bones and Flowey controlled my body so both me and the dummy were completely unharmed from the colored magic. I then dodged the teleported hand surprising Sans all the same and jumping away.

"Thats a first. I'm the fastest here" I poked out more thorns and my sides grew holes that looked like bottomless holes. They saw it only a little. I distracted my aunt with a swarm of bugs and drop kicked her away and dodged the purple bone. 'If his bones hit you, it will cause far more damage than anyone else's I nodded as Flowey said he would focus on the six others while I did on my aunt and uncle. 'No hurting them Flowey you have way too much attack. You'll kill them instantly' I reminded him. "Yea I know" "good" my arms caught fire with the flamethrowers fire.

"You know kiddo this isn't the first time me and that magic fought each other" "ok but you're not facing him you're facing me" I got ready as Flowey kept the others off me which was surprising them. "My question kid is how do you win" "easy your beings made of magic. Meaning you have to take a break to catch your breath. But Stamina is much like that and adding magic only doubles the cost of stamina. I learned that by the flames. I got out of breath very quickly" I dodged them faster than they could attack. "Meaning I win when you guys run out of juice" the two looked at each other. "Well then you better get ready for one hell of a fight mainly because I have gained a bunch more stamina" I smiled.

Me and him had back and forth. Since I was young still, I had tons of energy. Aunt Chara tried to get the dummy but still couldn't touch it. But I also kept an eye on Flowey, and no one has died which was good. One thing I noticed was that everyone else was exhausted. So, he focused on the other two. "Looks like we're the only ones left" I said, and they agreed. "Looks like holding back really isn't an option" he said.

Then suddenly two skulls appeared in the air. They started charging a blue beam and Flowey fed me information, and something started charging inside of my mouth. Then thousands of my pellets started appearing in the air. "I am no murderer" I gripped my fists as it stopped charging and each bullet started disappearing. The look on his skull changed somewhat as I stood to take the hit. I read it would kill me instantly. 'Move idiot' didn't nor did I let him do it. I noticed the knives from Aunt Chara disappeared.

Then it appeared that Flowey was surprised. "Promise you won't hurt anyone. Not a single person" I promised. He hesitantly only got rid of one. "You to weed" I looked to the flower. "Fine Smiling trashbag" he didn't change. "Fine Sans" the blaster disappeared. "Ok then that's a good enough reason for me. How about you Chara" I felt a presence beside me. When I turned, she was standing and staring it felt like into my soul.

"Hmmmmm yea I think she's fine" her smile made me a little happy. "But as he said if you hurt a soul, you'll have to answer to everyone here" I looked at everyone. "You especially don't want to fight your friend especially now that he has possessed something. Now he doesn't have to try and stay solid" she said, and my friends came over as I stared at Paul.

"I uhhh thanks but my parents" she stared at my mom and dad. "Will they ever see me the same" I asked, and Sans walked up beside me. "Afraid not kiddo. If Flowey ever made a mark it was with them. I'll say it'll take some time to have that weeds complaining handled. So, I would get used to silence. Make sure your surrounded by good friends" as if on que my two friends tackled me. "Looks like you got that taken care of" "then I should probably learn your shortcut thing. How do you do it" I asked and Flowey along with Chara said I wouldn't understand. "A bunch of math"

"Flow and math. A match made in heaven I'll say" my face it up in embarrassment. "Then I guess it'll be easy then" he started explaining it to me and it was a bunch of diverse equations on an atomic and universal level. "So just think of every equation in history then solve them all at once" he said exactly. But then it processed, "wait then that would make you the smartest being on earth" he thought about that, and he was so nonchalant about it.

"I would forget about it Flow getting him to do something would require a napping reward" I sighed in defeat after Flowey said that. But I just thought about it, and I asked for a cheat, and he said it was more like that plus I had to have a clear picture on where I was going. "God your strong and if you're as smart as you say no wonder, you're so lazy" I said, and we went back home because I had a lot to think about.

"I still think you'll be a pro at this in no time. I mean your said by your dad smarter than Nezu. Like the Principle of UA Nezu" I sighed, and they were dumbfounded. "What I felt like I needed the information, so I studied. Not to mention Flowey helped. By five I could read the dictionary. I read a five-thousand-page book. Of course, not in a single day. But I am the smartest human" I said, and the skeleton was dumbfounded. But I turned and did what he said, and I was suddenly in a wall. "Huh" I looked around and noticed I was in Uncle Sans house. Well in the door.

I then teleported out and it was a bumpy start. But I walked outside and was beside them before they knew what happened. "Well, uhhhh that was a quick learn. Guess I have to school you in something" I said maybe next time. "We should go. I mean monster time and human time are different. So, it might be a week over there already" I said, and they said monster time was the fastest.

"Still your twos parents are probably worried" my grandmother said. We all agreed and said goodbye and thank you for supporting me.

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