Chapter 30

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Flow POV

"Be careful love you" I kissed Mina bye at the station. She boarded her train. Mainly I already knew where dad's agency was. I also did see Chara was keeping Sans calm. But I knew she was just as worried.

But I shortcut to Dad's and it was big like big. I walked in and told the......... Froggit at the desk. "I'm here to see my dad" the just ribbited and a fly was sent out.

"Hi Flow" I jumped at my dad. The souls seemed agitated, but Flowey explained. "Hi dad. I already do know why you sent me an internship. How's Mom. Grandma doing good" he said they were getting there when the nurses and doctors weren't there. "That's good" he asked me to follow, and the agency wasn't actually that far from the house. I passed a ton of monsters I never met before. Including a dog knight that was I was very VERY tempted to pet. "Please don't pet the lesser dog" I said fine and continued to follow him.

He told me that he wanted to see what I could do with the souls. "Ok" he apparently was my sparring partner. I was nervous because my magic does more than just soul damage. He asked to change into costume.

So, I did and was curious I asked for what I did. I explained it and he understood. "Also, you did tell him that you can't kill him right" sudden yelling was in my head. "Go ahead" me and Flowey switched.

"You said" "I never said we could kill him. We'll bring him to justice by sending him to jail" he said fine but he wasn't happy about it. "So, no lethal bullets please" he said fine. But then one asked a question.

"Why did you say you needed to fight him. Like there is no better alternative" I explained that since Flowey and my dad were merged at one point they could basically spy on one another.

"The hero killer is said to have a blood quirk" what I said next shocked then. "So, it only makes sense to fight someone that doesn't bleed" he tested it by shooting me of all things. "Huh interesting power you got. So, you can't bleed out like other humans" I nodded. "Makes sense" I asked if that was an acceptable outcome. "It's fine as long as he can't harm anyone" I thanked her and also when me and Flowey switched.

I didn't expect to be pinned by a sword. "Mind explaining" the goat man panicked as I easily stood up. "Well, I guess it's one way to relieve stress" I sighed and threw him back the sword which he caught. I then shot many green bullets. "Ok then" I turned Steve's orange gloves blue.

"Nice use of mixing them" I went to attack, and he flew, or I guess floated to dodge. I then summoned dark blue shoes and attacked. "Nice using gravity soul magic in the shoes" I then pulled then gun but noticed I didn't shoot but sighed instead. "Bad" I mentally asked politely asked Olivia to kindly slap Jake over the head.

"What just a little fun" I sighed. I shot and he dodged the magic trank bullets that somehow were faster than normal ones. But then realized it was actually magic.

I then took Alphys advice to be creative. I shocked making a magic ribbon that was as strong as steel and a blue blade. "Interesting. Using armor of theirs as support and offensive options as well" I had no idea but after an intense training session he noticed I was confused on the purple magic. "The Monster that actually knows a lot about that magic is Muffet" that surprised me that a top baker in yes, the biggest bakery was a fighter. "I can call her. Me and her were well before the accident were good friends. Along with grew best friends when we went to UA" suddenly we jumped.

"Not to mention he had a sweet tooth like no other and wouldn't stop coming to my bakery" a purple Spider monster came into the room. "Now what are we talking about" I mentioned it. "Well, it's much like a stick only the max you can have is three and you attack by sliding things along it" I started thinking.

"But what if you used it for something else like use the bar to fight like a sword" I asked, and they said that magic doesn't work like that. "I'll think of something" I said and trained with dad some more.

But when it was late, "you know you can't right" I said flat out, and he sighed. "Flowey didn't tell me that. I can see it on your face. Mom wouldn't be the only heartbroken one. You said they have a blood quirk. Then let me help. I know I'm inexperienced, but you know you need my help" he debated and reluctantly agreed.

We then went home but the Olivia asked some.

'Cook for us' she nodded said of course. Since only Flowey typically is the only one to come out.

'Switching a soul is a lot different than switching minds' I thought and asked if we could just do what me and him do.

So, I went to the kitchen and was worried. But said the meal to make which typically cheers my dad up.

I then looked to my dad who went to his room to change and switched.

She then started cooking. "You sure that was a good idea. You don't know the outcome" I said they also need to know I trust them. I said and watched from the sidelines and watching her make food. Food that I have no idea what. But I do know the ingredients and how to prepare it. Which of course I told him.

"I don't think" I said I cooked with mom when he was asleep. "Ok" I watch Olivia cook and somehow managed to succeed.

We then switch again after saying thank you. "Dad, I cooked today" he said ok and came out.

He also noticed I made his favorite food. Which now made him suspicious but due to the situation it reminded quiet during dinner. Then we went to our rooms and slept.

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