Chapter 6

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Flow POV

I woke up the next day and got ready to go and looked at the boys clothes that I stole. 'I mean they were comfy' I thought and knew I would have to return them. "Sadly" I folded them then rolled it to make it easier to travel with. I got downstairs and my parents were doing hero work apparently early today. I left the house and walked to school. When I got there everyone was staring at me.

I ignored them and walked into the room. It seemed he processed what actually all happened yesterday. But I plopped his clothes on his desk startling him. "There's your uniform back. Don't worry I didn't do anything you would complain about. Besides you're wearing a new one anyway. Also, if you try anything like that again my parents will have a word with the principal then knowing my dad, he would go straight to your house then tell your parents. Also, you said you wanted to be a hero" he said of course and what I said got Midoriya's attention. "But you see I told my dad what you did and both my parents are heroes you see" our green haired friend asked who.

"My parents are the pacifist hero: Passive and the God of Hyper Death and oh boy did they not agree with what you did. Most importantly it wasn't just the parent part of them speaking but the hero side to them as well. So Blondie" I smirked. "I would change your behavior if you want to be a hero. Because in their eyes as well as mine" my face turned dead. "Your actions don't show that you know how to act like one" his eyes said shut up now. "I'll just let it sink in that your a piece of garbage" I went to my seat which was in the back.

By the way I never noticed I sat next to Midoriya. But class went on and he didn't even seem bothered by what I said. 'Hes no smiling trashbag. He's just a trashbag' he said. 'I'll have to agree' I agreed. 'I say whenever you shake his hand you use your joy buzzer instead' I silently laughed.

Midoriya saw but didn't say anything. I was also lucky the teach didn't catch it. But during lunch I actually brought a lunch. It was a sandwich, granola bar, apple, fruit snacks, and a juice pouch. I mean I technically eating a stomach for two but mines bigger than his. Also I just have the fruit because my parents say I should eat something else besides just junk. But I jumped in surprise at Midoriya, "you know I don't mean to be rude but" I asked if he was going to stand up for him to leave. "No it's that I grew up with him. I know that even if you try to steer him off and for other heroes to tell him to leave the path that he's on. He won't" I said alright.

But I, "what about you. They said hero right. But why didn't you fight back. Is it the same. You don't want to be a bully to or is something else" he looked away. "What's stopping you" he said he didn't have a quirk. "Wow really. The funny thing is that my mom. Even I don't know her quirk. Only my dad and apparently Uncle Sans knows. But I don't care. She is already good at most forms of combat. Though being a pacifist, she said is harder than you think. So Midoriya now what will you do. I mean you could meet my mom. Considering I think people that talk on the regular are friends. So. Want to meet my parents" I asked the boy that literally broke.

When he finally woke up, "I mean it's true. I never seen her use any type of quirk or anything else to help her. So uhhh your asking to be my friend" I smiled my Uncle Papyrus's smile. "I yes please" I jumped to my feet and said yea.

"Great my first male friend!?!?!?!" he turned red making me laugh. But the school day continued and I noticed the blond glaring at me. "I actually never got his name. You were his friend" he said Katsuki Bakugo. "Explosive name" he said yes. "I'm not going to just only talk to you about him if your wondering. So get that thought out of your head. I'm just curious is all" he said alright.

I then towards the end of the day texted my parents that a new friend of mine is coming over. They asked who along with a bunch more but I said I was still in school. Which made them stop.

When school was over me and him walked to my house and he told his mom. Which first over the phone I could tell was already cool. "So what are your parents like" "you'll really like them. It's never a boring day" I opened the door and the house was clean and a mess at the same time. 'Meaning they were trying to actually clean' I sighed.

"Cleaning though is my strong suit not theirs. I'm home and I brought a friend" as soon as the door closed my dad was in front of us.

"Hmmmmmmmmmm" he along with my mom in the distance were inspecting him. Since Midoriya had no idea what was happening he stood there confused. I smiled saying it would be fine. "Interesting. Your almost impossible to read. But your also an open book. You need to relax more. Anyway Asriel Dreemer" he held his hand out and they shook.

"I uhh pleasure. Izuku Midoriya" I mentioned they were heroes already. "Yeah though I don't see you in the news as much as Passive" he said talking to my dad. "Does that mean your an underground hero" he asked, and my dad said he worked both shifts but doesn't tend to like getting noticed.

"You know that's not true, and you know it" my mother came over and accused him. "You try to come off as to 'hero help crazy' so you aren't on the news because you feel like you always need to do something" they went on about how dad was to much of a showoff.

Midoriya looked at me and his face said really. I giggled I nodded. "But anyway" mom held out her hand. "Frisk Dreemer" they shook hands and I'm surprised she wasn't joking. But then, "mom please don't" she complained.

"She's right you know you can't go flirting with everyone you meet" Midoriya started freaking.

"Chill. It's normal in this household. Dad's punishment seems to work but I don't know what it is" I said as he went ahead and took her away. "Oh mom. Later Midoriya wanted to know something but that can be later" she complained that she couldn't get out of something.

"I'll show you around"

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