Chapter 38

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Flow POV

I came back to, and we were all walking down a path. Thanks to Sans we were to Ebot city the same day, but I asked if he was ok, "yeah just a little tired" I asked for him to relax and not to use magic for a while. "What did the others say" "well they are all against this. Which of course. But I got no answers" the city wasn't that big. "But I- Sans" I looked around and Flowey mentioned that these people were against monsters. "Ok" I caught up with my friends.

"Wow this place is cool" Izuku said. Oh, also he did get into the hero course. But 1-B. I was looking around when. "Ahh travelers" I turned, and it was this old man. "How may we help you. Not many people travel this far out" I answered before my friends and girlfriend.

"We're travelers that travel everywhere. This place and the surrounding area are our next stop" I said, and he welcomed us. "Oh, before you do. I must advise to be warry around the mountain" I thanked him and asked where an inn was. Mainly because we were going to explore the city first then the area surrounding it. He told us and we thanked him. 

When a distance away, "sorry I interrupted you guys. But Flowey just said this place is anti-monster. So be careful" they nodded. "Also quirk usage might have to stay to a minimum meaning" we turned to Toru. "We'll bring you food back to the room" I saw Paul thinking and an idea popped into his head. "You sure" he said it would be temporary. "Toru you ok" we were by and alley. Me, Mina and Izuku blocked the view from Paul possessing my friend. 

"Ok" I looked, and I had no idea. it's like my friend's clothes didn't even exist. "I actually when I escaped that other guy monsters allowed me, and I noticed their personal items, and everything stay with them. So, I'm like a shell over top of them controlling them" he said, and I thought it was cool. 

So, we continued, and I noticed even my friend's bag was missing. 'Useful quirk' I thought, and we found the inn and booked it for the night then walked around. We ate at restaurants and that and brought back food for my friend and asked them if I could at least heat up the food for her. Which they allowed me.

But then the following day happened.

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