Chapter 23

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Flow POV

"The sports festival is the place to get sponsors and to get noticed by hero agencies" Mr. Aizawa managed to come back. But he told me that he can get hyperthermia easily. But since he asked the support course the reason, he now had a come what different scarf was obvious.

It wasn't his typical scarf. It was a bright orange and heated him. "So, you're going to have to try your hardest to get noticed. I'll just say this. No holding back" he glanced at me for a minute before going back to talking.

He then stopped talking and looked at everyone and I did when everyone entered the classroom felt the tension. "But I think one thing that needs something cleared up from two of us" I stood up and stood beside him. "Your classmate has been holding back against you during training. Over the break she said she wants to tell everyone why now" Bakugo was the first to blow up.

"I do have good reason more like we have good reason. You can come out Flowey" they were all shocked that a literal flower that had a face and everything grew out of my neck. "Now I told everyone different names to describe my power. The truth is that I don't technically have a quirk" they refused to believe it. "I actually have been telling you all what it is. You, just all refuse to accept that magic is real" I sighed. "Like these" I made bullets appear in the air all around us. "Along with" the classroom turned black and white. "All this power actually comes from" I held my hand up and Flowey move to my hand.

"Hello idiots. I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower. Also, no she is not speaking through me. Also, we are stronger than you could ever imagine " I confirmed. "I could show you. But I'm in your terms, 'not in the driver's seat' he went back to my neck.

"I can do a lot more than I showed off" Bakugo said to prove it right now. "K" he jumped at me, but I raised my hand and a blue heart appeared in front of him. I then slammed him to the ground. "Blue magic. Gravity magic basically" my bullets started changing colors. "I'll show you color wise what they do" I move a blue bullet towards Kirishima. "Imagine a blue stop sign" he stayed still, and it passed right through. I then put an orange bullet in front of Mineta for a perfect example. As he was moving and freaking out it went right through him.

"As long as you stay moving orange can't hurt you. Blue stays still. But there are more. But I'm not as good with those ones. But" my bullets turned a bright green and anyone still feeling the effects of the USJ we're healed instantly when it hit them. "Light green heals you" I released Bakugo.

"What magic can you do besides these floating things" I released bugs and then when I concentrated, they saw two mouths appear literally in my hands. But I also spawned these things that look like ninja stars. I then also turned my hands into Venice fly traps along with showing my thorns. I also showed Flowey's flamethrower which frightened most. "But I also got this from my aunt" a steady orange clear flame showed in my hands.

I also said I can tell how hard they can hit and a brief summary of what they are thinking. "Like how Mina and Hagakure are panicking about how scared I am to show you the last two things I'm about to show you" they noticed I was shaking uncontrollably. But my friends looks comforted me. I took a deep breath and asked if we could go to the training yard. Or somewhere no one in the building could see.

"Ok" Mr. Aizawa said.

When we got far away from the school, I kept taking deep breaths. I first showed them the shortcuts and then the scary part. "Ok I got this" I threw a star, and they noticed a light charging in my mouth. I then shot a literal laser and the star exploded. "WHAT A LASER" I nodded and said that wasn't even my most powerful weapon. "I uhhh promise not to freak out" they said sure. I put my hand in the air and made a literal atom bomb. Which of course made them shocked. "Along with my plant body" I said and made it go away.

I waited for them to process. When they did, they yelled. "What how could keep this secret" they saw I was expecting this answer. "Mr. Aizawa go ahead" I was standing beside him. Todoroki noticed that ice started covering his arm. Then they were all shocked when he chopped my head off.

They were about to yell when my head come back, "I basically can't die" I said flat out. "I have organs like you. But well, I don't bleed. I'm still somewhat human" I nervously laughed. But I knew this would happen.

The silence was killing. But I heard footsteps that were invisible. I then felt my hand get grabbed. "I'll be your friend till the end" I said thank you as Mina also came over. No one else came over. Well, I knew my teacher was on my side.

"Ok now that show and tell is over. You'll need to train for the sports festival. You'll have a week. Now due to this event everyone that didn't step up has extra homework. While these three will have none" that shocked me. "The date you hand it back is also the day of the sports festival. Meaning you'll have less time to train" they complained. "Blame yourselves" we all went back to school.

On the way back sure, some were afraid. But me and my friends were just chatting. "No I think shortcutting would be cheap" I said. "They wouldn't even stand a chance" they said to give it my all. "True" I said and went through the rest of the day. But then it was about time.

"Wait a minute you're still wearing it" Mina asked referring to her scarf. "Not my fault it's comfy" I complained. "Who made that" Hagakure asked and the pink girl blushed. "Mina" the invincible girl processed. "Huh" she added.

"Please stop. I can be good at other things besides dancing. My mom got me into it" she grumbled. I was just smiling behind it.

"Why not tell her" I said we could be fighting in the sports festival. 'Maybe after' I thought with a bigger smile.

But what I didn't know for the first time in a while that Mina hadn't taken her eyes off of me. Well that was until I looked at her. "I mean it's pretty darn obvious" I lit up.

But that is after the sports festival.

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