Chapter 20

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Aizawa POV

I didn't expect them to take me to a police prosect. But I knew my friends and co-workers were behind the glass. I was allowed my sleeping bag luckily. Which I was laying comfortably in. Tsukauchi walked in along with Nezu. "You have a lot of explaining to do" I nodded.

I got out and sat down, "never thought I would be on this side of the table" I said in my against my will-tired voice. "What you want to know" he said information on this quirk. I told him the information I told Dreemer. "Your medical records. I remember when you went to school here. They weren't showing another quirk. Where did you get it" he asked, and I said Toshinori should be in here to hear this.

So, then the man came in. "I'm sure you know my quirk Eraser. You see I knew about All for One before you two even told me" that surprised them. "Iceberg was my favorite hero back in the day. But he dropped off the map. No hero or civilization thought anything of it at the time. I was thirteen when it happened. I was left beaten in an alleyway. I fully committed to ending it that afternoon. In fact, they found me right outside the building.

But I came out of the alley and turned but ran into someone. Fear for some reason filled me. 'What's wrong boy' he asked me with a sinister smile. I just simply backed away. He tried to calm me down you see. It worked and I relaxed. He got me to trust him so quickly. But the trust ended when he told me his quirk. The ability to take and use quirks. Not to mention give other quirks. I was terrified. But I figured out his plan. He found the people that beat me up and probably took care of them. I came to that conclusion by never seeing them at school again" I then clenched my fists.

"I took his offer of pity, but I had a plan. It was a quirk swap. He wanted mine and in exchange I be given a strong quirk and work for him. But I managed to outsmart him. As soon as he gave me the quirk, I activated Erasure and ran for dear life. Though the quirk is mine now. It's the way I got it. That is why I don't use it" I said sitting in silence.

"I hung with the wrong people. That's the summary of the story" "who else have you told" Nezu and Toshinori said at the same time. "In detail or no detail" either or they said. "One and they have sworn to secrecy. As I am to keep their secret" I said referring to my student. "I'm sorry I kept it from you. But I didn't know how you would react" I said to the two educators.

Nezu POV

The three of us walked out and back into the other room and we also saw Aizawa crawl back into his sleeping bag. "Can't believe he lied to us for almost our entire lives" Mic which was close to him said. "Well, his reason was very logical. Hizashi you did say your parents were wiped out by a villain. Along with yours Midnight. So, he had a valid reason to lie to you. But I'm sure he wasn't happy about it. But it was also given to him out of pity. So even more a reason to hide it" Cementoss said.

"But hiding something for so long. I'm surprised he didn't forget about it" I then looked closer, and I never noticed. "A heated sleeping bag" everyone turned to me. "I never paid much attention. I mean it would be comfortable in a heated sleeping bag. But I could see another reason why he is always in it. Well except to patrol. He's always cold. Which is probably why he avoids sleeping so much." "Actually, now that you say that whenever we spent the night with him. He never slept. He only took naps. But woke up then covered himself" I nodded. "What was Icebergs drawback again. Right. Could cause sudden hypothermia. He has to stay warm" I said.

"But Shouta said he preferred sleeping in the cold" that surprised me. But then I saw he started shivering. "It is quite cold in there" our detective said. But I saw him close his eyes then I saw something interesting. "Interesting" I saw the red glow through his eyelids. "His new quirk is an emitter. So, he's cancelled his own quirk in order to sleep" they were shocked. "He's out cold. No waking him" Mic said. "But that is the reason he will never be able to forget he has such a quirk. It's because his life is in danger constantly" I said but I added.

"Ok I'm fine with letting him sleep. We can talk to our other person in the meantime" I said, and they were completely confused.

But we walked out the door and there sat a student, "uhhhhhhhhhhh" she was about to book it when Midnight put the plant girl to sleep. "Why's Dreemer here" "I wanted to speak to her anyway about what she did during the USJ" they were curious but set her up in another room.

Flow POV

I woke up in a room made of metal and a table. It was an interrogation table. I then noticed principle Nezu was in front of me. "H-hey" I nervously waved. I also noticed I wasn't cuffed. I mean they wouldn't work anyway but. "Hello there. What would bring you all the way out here" I racked my brain. "I might as well come. You were going to ask why I attacked Kaminari anyway. Might as well just drop by" I said.

"You're not wrong. I would like to know why" "because he was a bloody spy. He made it out by zapping all the spiders any who. But he was a bloody spy. I made a deal. Just like I tried to make a deal with smoke man. I threatened their men, and they would tell me the second objective" he asked what it was. "They are after someone. But don't know who. But anyway. Why's Mr. Aizawa in the other room. Did he do something wrong" he didn't answer my question. He asked what I had on Kaminari. "Well, you see I can't say considering he's watching us right now" he asked what he had on me. "Now that is a pile of worms that can be opened another day. We would be stuck here upon hours" I said and leaned on one hand.

"I have time. I mean I did cancel school for a week due to the attack after all" he said, and I laughed nervously. 'I can't. He could tell the world that a crazy person with a talking flower ready to kill anyone. "I uhhh apologize Principal Nezu but I can't. When I make a deal. It doesn't matter what it is. I can't share it. If you want to figure it out, you have to figure it out yourself" he sighed and thought it was pretty bad. I mean it was, but I could probably live with it. "It has to be pretty bad" I nodded. "Let's just say I got carried away. But he also has to watch it" I looked at the camera. "Yeah, that's right. I'm watching you" the camera fried surprising the principal. "He lost focus and fried the camera system. But since his quirk doesn't affect a plant, I have no need to worry" he saw I had everything figured out. 

"How much of this have you already thought ahead" "oh none. I'm winging it. But the watching part. I knew because the camera was pointed directly at me" I said and tea arrived out of the blue. "What. You know what I live with the impossible. I'm not questioning it" I said straight out as he asked how I liked my tea. "With sugar. But not too much" he surprisingly added the right amount. "How. No one has ever guessed right" I took the cup. "I'm a tea expert" I said obviously. 

So, we just sat in for some odd reason nice silence. I was sure my parents were worried sick. I was also getting sleepy. I yawned, "it's that time already" I said and looked at the time. "My body usually shuts down around now" as if on que I passed out cold.

Nezu POV

I was baffled. "So much for your plan to question her" I then blinked several times as I saw something coming from her neck. "God I can't believe I have to do this again" it wasn't a female voice talking anymore. But it surprised me that a flower with eyes and a mouth came from her neck. "Alriiiiiiiiiiight" it froze when it saw me. 

"Well shit"

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