Chapter 31

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Flow POV

The following day I met everyone at the agency and then actually found out that Muffet also works as a hero. Her hero name is just her name though. When I met everyone, dad told me to get ready because we were going to Hosu to assist. "Remember dad don't interfere. I have to be the one. I don't want anyone to die" he reluctantly agreed.

So, we split up when we got there, and I was fast thanks to the shortcuts. I didn't stop because I chose sunlight for lunch. I also halted because it was the first official time meeting Endeavor. "Flame Hero" I said, and we stayed quiet. "You're his kid. Hypers" a shortened hero name for my dad.

"Yes. That's me" we ended up searching the same area. We stopped for something to eat. He apologized for mom. "She'll be fine. She'll be as good as new and up before we know it" I said, and he was surprised by how confident I was being. "Now let's get going" I vanished and continued my search until I finally had to stop and catch my breath.

It went into the night, and I heard a scuffle. I followed the noise to an alley and I'm guessing it was the hero killer because he was about to stab a hero. I used my plant arm and stretched and saved Native. "You alright" I asked and the killers attention was now on me. "Oh, another fake" I calmed down. 'Bad. Not revenge. Behave Flow' he noticed I was locked in my head.

But was still shocked I dodged. "Stain your under arrest" I kept dodging. I then when he was about to cut my head off made purple magic on my feet and it was like a skateboard. I rode a bar and was a safe distance now. "Anything you say and do will be in the court of law" he threw a knife, and I caught it.

"The only hero I'll fall to is All Might. A true hero" he noticed the next knife I blocked with my arm and purposefully got stabbed. I sighed and just asked his definition of a hero. "Someone that doesn't do it for fame or fortune" I said then my mother wasn't fake.

"She was an amazing hero. One that genuinely wanted to help others. You have no right to decides who dies or not" I threw his knives back at him. He caught the one that stabbed me. But when he inspected the knife, no blood was on it. "I don't bleed. I'm a living plant. Along with my main quirk being regeneration. I can't die" I said simply.

He was shocked, "your quirk can't work if you can't get my blood" I stomped on the purple railing and held it like a sword. Our blades connected and clashed. 'How are you using it. Wait. are you boosting the durability with blue magic' I confirmed their speculation.

We clashed more and I pulled a gun, and he slashed my hand off. 'So fast' I eventually knocked his sword out of his hands. I was breathing heavy when I did. "There. Now surrender" I said and summoned a bunch of bullets on the other end. He looked behind him and noticed he was cut off. "You won't hurt another innocent hero. Passive was just that. A pacifist. A hero that truly wanted to help. Not for money or anything" I gripped my fist.

I was suddenly kicked out. "How bout we calm down a little bit" 'Jake no killing' "yeah, I know" he said making a gun out of nowhere.

He somehow shot the hero killer perfectly in the hand. Which made him drop the knife. 'He's good' I thought not even comparing my skill to his. He then shot his legs. I then noticed something. I never seen it. I heard the police and that coming. 'I called him" Flowey said.

I thanked him as I was bounced back. "Now you'll be put away" I said, and I wasn't expecting to be grabbed and flown into the air. It was by this it seemed like the thing from USJ. But it was sliced and of course it was my dad. Big his air was different when he saw Stain.

I landed and moved in front of the villain and Hero. "Hyper don't make me" I held my hand out. "What would mom think" he stopped. I also out the corner of my eye, "what" I thought I saw myself. But I snapped him out of it and he stood down.

"What were you thinking" I scolded him and after everything we visited mom in the hospital.

Grandma thankfully got her unparalyzed. "I took down the hero killer on my own" I smiled. They were impressed and said good job. "Though he might be a little injured. Jake jumped in when I was getting to a boiling point. He just made me so angry. I was calm at first. But when he claimed that only heroes that heroes for the money and fame shouldn't be heroes. It just hit me hard. He claims there should only be true heroes. Ones that only have hearts for saving others" I gripped my fist.

"He didn't have the right to take anyone's life. Not a single person" I was angry. But I was eventually calmed down. I then noticed a dog man in a suit walked in. "Ah hello Passive. It seems like you are feeling better" I noticed the authorities aura. 

"Yes, it has how have you been. Last time I saw you was when you first started the Chief position" the loading wheel appeared above my head. "What can we do for you" my mother asked. He mentioned the hero killer had multiple injuries on him. 

He also told me acting on my own was strictly against the law. But since there was few witnesses then my dad could take the credit along with if Mr. Snipe was there. Mainly because bullets. I was pushing Jake mentally to behave himself. "But anyway, I also came to say multiple things. One is to say thank you for capturing the hero killer and two is that" he stared closely. "No never mind" I was confused as was Flowey.

"That was weird" as I said that I started getting a call. "Uncle Sans" I was confused to say the least" I looked away from my phone and told my parents who was calling. "He wouldn't call if it wasn't important" I nodded and shortcut out since I had permission from the person I was interning with.

Needless to say. I went from one big battle to another.

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