Chapter 16

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Flow POV

"Why do you ask" "I uhhh believe there to be an undercover villain in my class. Luckily, I already know what they look like. But then I thought of something" I was taken to a more comfortable seat. "What if I try get info off him somehow. Like what is he after. Have you ever dealt with this" "I have" I turned to my dad.

"It was a pain in the ass. But since I basically had no evidence. I had to watch carefully. Make sure they don't get what they are after. I was just starting out. So, I couldn't do much. But in the end, we got him. Flow in honesty" I listened. "I think it's a good idea. Get on their good side. But make sure they don't know you know. Heck attempt to befriend him or her" I nodded and thanked him for the advice.

So, the following school day is a day I for once accidentally slept in. I ran because my brain wasn't wide awake to think. "Crap" needless to say I wasn't expecting to run into Mr. Undercover. "Slept in to" I nodded as I finally got the calculation down. I grabbed him, "hey what are you" we were suddenly in front of the door and I'm breathing heavy after turning the corner of an alley going in the opposite direction. "Wait how did" when I had my breath back "I knew a shortcut" that broke his brain somehow.

But we bolted into the room. We were almost late. "I'm not late everyone else is" we both said. We laughed but all the same took our seats. I was behind bomb head. The class started and they said typical first day stuff since yesterday he actually dismissed us for the rest of the day.

But it was the first day for heroics. Everyone was amazed at All Might but me. But my eyes widened, "hurt no one. Not a single person" I did agree. "Combat" 'well shit' we both said.

But my costume is on another level. My arms and gloves are a regenerative material so if I ever have my thorns come from my arms it regrows. But not only that but they are covered in a paralysis like thing so that they can't escape. But then I asked for my back and sides to be partially exposed. The front was covered with an orange and green armored plating. But they had tiny holes for the bugs.

"That's uhhhhh pretty revealing" I turned, and it was this girl with ear jacks. "It's to help with my quirk" she noticed when I turned around my back started opening and you could see bugs of random kinds and she naturally screamed. "Woah calm down" I pleaded. I closed my body, and it made her calm. I then showed the thorns.

"I uhhhh don't know what to say" "wow I'll say that is some costume Flow" Mina said and I explained it. "Wow really" I said I scared her lifeless. "That's not nice" I apologized. "Wh-whats your quirk" she asked, and I thought of a brilliant lie.

"Thorny hive" she asked what that was. "It's sadly exactly how it sounds. I'm a human hive that can make thorns stick out like a porcupine. So, I took advantage and see the material on the sleeve. It holds a paralysis like substance so even if I smack you then your paralyzed" she pointed to why a big gaping hole. "Secret" 'our laser' 'exactly' we said in our head.

But the main thing was class went like hero's vs villains. 'No villain' I crossed my fingers but the lot I pulled was villain. 'FUNFUNFUN' I said shut up to the flower. But All Might said to just protect the bomb.

Also turns out I was with Mr. Undercover, "heya looks like we're a team" I nodded, and we had time to set up and he watched me and was curious as I set up hive like things. "I learned the earphone girl is deathly afraid of bugs. Not to mention ball head creeps me out" I noticed he checked me out a little. "Also, we may be teammates but I'm not afraid to slap you" he explained his electrification. "But what about" we still had plenty of time and he pulled me somewhere to where no cameras were.

"You are not to tell anyone that" "you forgot I saw you use electricity during the assessment test, and you noticed your electricity doesn't affect me. So then what are you going to do" he asked what'll it take. "Hmmmm" my smile could send a certain skeleton uncle of mine running for the hills. "In my family I'm the last person you want to make a deal with boy" he backed away and I stared into his soul and checked him.

Check>> Kaminari Denki

Atk: 500 Def:400 Hp: human LV: 4

He isn't what he seems

"Thats some wallop you punch. I mean momentum does pack a punch" he flinched. "Tell you what. Meet me back where you saw me the other day tonight" he said fine. All Might announced they were starting.

"The plan is actually very simple. Do nothing and let my little pets do everything" "after all they aren't a" I slammed my back on the wall shutting him up. "Uhhh what was that" I said nothing as I heard a scream. Then silence as I walked down the stairs, and I said it was fine to follow.

He did and at the bottom of the stairs lay the red head and headphones. I took out the tape and won just like that. "Spiders. They are so useful" I said simply. He was just impressed more than anything.

Kaminari POV

'No wonder he has an interest in this girl' the rest of the day went like a normal school day from when I went to school. I of course just did mediocre enough to pass but good enough not to blow the cover I set up.

But skip to the night and I was waiting on the sidewalk messing on my phone until I was grabbed and suddenly on a roof of a random building. "Hello there Mr. Fantastic" I sighed that it was a fitting name. "Now then a deal with the devil what do you think devil" I pointed to me, but I noticed a flower suddenly bloom from her shoulder. "No, you idiot she was talking to me" I took a step back as I noticed the flower had a mouth and eyes and were talking. "I say we kill him" I got ready for a fight by turning my arm into a rubber electric sword.

"Chill lighting rod. He is the villain in this body" I was twitching and didn't understand until she started breaking it down piece by piece. "Huh" it seems she was expecting me to call her crazy. "I mean the truth is always better than a lie. Your brainwaves stated that you didn't want to lie" she was impressed but she was still smiling. "Boy you sure are cocky. Especially if you kill me in any way I could just come back to life in seconds" I blinked several times and tested the theory by decapitating her. But her body didn't fall. Instead, her head started growing back but it was like a plant weaving itself back together. "Soooooo your immortal" I asked.

"Maybe. Could be. But if I do die then we really have a problem. This flower here would be taking over, and the human race might be wiped off the map. Now you're wondering why I'm telling a villain any of this" I was shocked and took a step back. "But I'm not turning you in because you see" she held out her hand. "I have a deal for you" she said and my eyes widened as a bug came literally out of her ear. "Sure, I was listening to music but" she smirked.

"Just make sure to get her on our side" "don't worry I will that is a promise" I grit my teeth. "Blackmail that's your plan" "hey we're not that mean" the flower said. "Well at least she isn't" I deactivated my blade. "What's this deal" in my head I was happy at the least. "I want to know what you're after and I won't let that little rubber quirk slip through the gapes. Along with you not saying anything about my abilities. Deal" I hesitated.

'There has to be more than this. That smirk proves it' to test it I pulled my hand back. "So, you're not as stupid as you show in school" we didn't leave eye contact. But she got off the air conditioner she was sitting on, and I backed away. "So, you know strength that's very good. Yes, there is something else" she said.

"You are to never lie to me. You understand boy" a fire appeared in her hand, and she was obviously a master intimidator. Then the area around us turned black and white. "Otherwise, this flower of mine can have it's fun with you" then suddenly the area turned back to normal.

'Clearly stronger than All for One' I gripped my fist. "Do you understand" "this is worth a little more than just not revealing my quirk" the flowers face literally turned into a straight question mark. "I'll do this if you assist me in something" she tilted her head as she grabbed me, and we teleported somewhere else again since I'm guessing a hero was close. We were now in an alley.

"Oh, and what's this thing" she asked, and my evil smirk showed but it didn't frighten her. "Seen scarier" I sighed. "Here"

Flow POV

"Here" he gave me a phone of some kind. My eyes showed confusion. But they widened as he was gone when I looked back. "Did you see where he went" I asked. "No, it was like he wasn't even here. He erased his tracks entirely" I noticed the phone only had one number on it.

'Can't tell mom and dad about this' I shortcut home and into my room and went to bed.

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