Chapter 41

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Flow POV

So, we walked through the snow-covered floors. "Thats odd" Sans said and we looked and saw spikes blocking our advance. "Someone turned them back on" I walked closer, and you could barely make out the dust on the metal. "They were running from something" I said, and Sans looked as well. The spikes atk is also really high. Sans told me there is a tree on the other side that has a button to lower the spikes. I jumped over the spikes thanks to Floweys strength in my legs. 

I then found the button but I noticed a wire, I read a sign that said make all the shapes circles. Flowey assisted and each shape turned to a circle that turned green. Yeah. We used bullets. "The button was turned into a trap" I told them as everyone walked over when the spikes lowered. "Were there any crazy monsters" he started thinking. 'Hopefully it's not another me' I thought and he said no. 

But we continued and Flowey allowed me to use bullets to activate the traps and pass through the spikes. We knew finding dust would be difficult because of snow. So, we didn't rely on that. We eventually made it to the big doors. "The ruins. Toriel used to look after this area. I noticed even with Floweys strength I couldn't open it. I then thought and made a red knife appear. I sliced the ruin doors open. "Well, that works" we walked, and dust filled the air. 

We came across another house which I'm guessing was Toriel's. We looked around and another mirror was there. This time it was just Chara. But I still felt the others. I avoided since she was present avoided looking at my menu. But I heard yelling, "hide" I said and we all found somewhere safe. I was under the dining table and saw them come in. I peaked and one was a wolf monster, and another was well they looked like some type of lizard. 

"There isn't anyone left. Come on man lets get out of here" I felt Chara tug hard but I managed to stay. 'Stop. You do something wrong and all of us could die' she settled. "I haven't seen anyone true. But there are smaller monsters" I kept hearing them talk about killing. It was slightly driving me crazy. It surprised myself and everyone else. Sans suddenly was standing behind both of them. "WHA-" he was just grabbed by his soul with blue magic. 

"Put him down" "sure as soon as you tell us whats going on" he said and since there isn't any point in hiding, I came out and my presence was far from happy. "Why's dust everywhere. Whos killing everyone" he said and we just intimidated them. "I-I can't" he just passed out, I started thinking. 

'Hey guys you still there' the colored souls said present and woke up when I said, "another human might be doing this" I said and the skeleton monster turned to me. "Nows the point when I would call for a hero but" I looked and my phone had no signal nor did anyone else. 'Meaning I need everyone' I asked them and they said ok. Especially Justice. 

So we questioned the monsters for a very long time. "Tall guy" I nodded and we walked out the door and told Izuku and Hagakure to watch them. "Ok" 

So the other three of us went and split up to look. It took awhile when I noticed the puzzles were all deactivated in the ruins. So I walked around freely. I then when I was in a room heard whimpering. I looked around and noticed this thing on the floor. I sent a bullet, and it showed a hole. There were about six. I opened all of them and looked down each. I then when I found a injured monster fell down and instantly started healing them. "You're going to be ok" I said and it was a Whimsun. 

I finished healing them and they right away hid behind something. "Can you tell me where the people or person doing this is" he pointed and I just since they could fly teleported to the top of the room.

But I felt a presence behind me. I whipped around and we had guns to both our hands. "Well, this'll be quite the predicament" he said and I felt like Jake was creeping up. "HOLD UP IS THAT ME" I pulled up a mental image of him in my head and the man seemed to be him just much older. "I'll say meeting my souls holder was not expected" my eyes widened as I shortcut a few steps back. I kept the gun on them, "your hurting innocent lives here. back off" I checked them and there atk equaled to mine. Only they were LV 17. 

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