Chapter 28

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Flow POV

I was sleeping and Mina didn't show up the day I came in. But it was when I woke up a nurse was there along with Mina's parents. "Oh h-hello" I waved, and they greeted me, but I then felt something. I blushed at a sleeping Mina on my lap. "We wondered where she went this morning" I was more embarrassed.

But after about an hour of speaking to her parents I heard and felt a certain girl waking up. She sat up and I was nervous but didn't let it show. "Hi. Morning" I saw her blush. "Y-yeah. Good morning" I then looked to my right finally and noticed the flowers on the stand next to the bed. "I remembered you liked roses" she said, and I also noticed the scarf next to them. "Oh" she seemed to dig around in her bag and pulled out a gold medal. "They gave it to me to give to you" I thanked her, and her parents made themselves known. 

"We should get going" I waved, and Mina said bye to her parents. 

But we were left alone, 'say it or do something' I thought, and Mina seemed to be thinking. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it almost right away. "Mina I uhhh" I had almost no time at all. She I'm guessing before she chickened out leaned forward quickly and kissed me. She started leaning back but wasn't expecting me to grab her and kiss her.

After a while we parted and smiled. "No idea how long I wanted to do that" needless to say the cheering in my head added to the excitement. She hugged me, "I love you to" I said smiling.

But a camera was heard, and we both saw a floating camera and I secretly sent a bee behind the girl before she noticed we noticed her. 

She was about to run when we turned to her, but her fear of bees made her leap back. "Toruuuuuu" my eyebrow was twitching. "I uhhhh" Mina wasn't so happy either. "You ruined the moment" I sighed and let her leave and I shot a laser at the floating tiny skull. "Stupid Uncle" I huffed. But Mina just laughed.

Her laugh always made me smile. But then my gf's attention went to another thought. She then went to worried. "Uhh what does" I looked around and then the camera.

"I want you to relax to what I'm going to do" she was curious as me and Flowey swapped places. "Howdy" you could hear Flowey's demonic voice which shocked me. "Since me and her share a body, we can do this. I know kinda creepy" she was weirded out. "But I'm fine with it. Though she hasn't told you all her magic" I kicked him out.

"Hehehehhhhhh" I rubbed the back of my head nervously. When she wasn't amused, I ended up telling her everything.

"So, you are basically three times stronger" "technically I can become six times stronger" I was advised not to be a smartass. "Ok ok" I then looked at my respawn and die buttons. "I also have the ability to return from the dead basically. But also, the ability to die for good" she was taken aback. "Meaning yes. I could've survived Todoroki's shot" I let her process. "I didn't know how you would react"

She in turn just held my hands. "Not mad. Just a little disappointed. I wouldn't change for anything" I smiled. "Thank you" I said, and we sat in comfortable silence for a while then talked about school stuff.

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