Chapter 10

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Flow POV

It felt like forever but when I opened my eyes I never really heard a heartbeat monitor. But when someone wakes up I don't think it's supposed to be a constant flatlined beep. I looked around and I was in an infirmary. 'Am I dead' I thought to myself but I heard it echo. "Ooooooook" I was slightly confused.

But I looked down and noticed my body and me coming out. "I'm now disturbed" I said and didn't really want to see me dead.

But then out of nowhere, "so your my niece huh" I looked everywhere. I noticed a blob man and he had a white face and white hands with holes in them. "I do hope my children are behaving" I asked his name and he said not to get up.

"Wing Ding Ghaster at your service. Just Ghaster. Grandpa doesn't suit a dead man" "am I dead" "it is hard to say. I guess you could say the world around you froze the moment they laid you down in that bed. You could get up off that bed and have the murderer have the body and kill everyone or" suddenly two buttons showed.



"There is no reset in this scenario" "I'm sorry re what" "oh nevermind. So young  lady what will it be. You don't have long to decide" I looked around the room and knew very well that they would miss me.

"Simple choice really. I'm basically without this immortal do to my plant body. With this thing" I held my hand over respawn. "I'm going back" I said simply.

Recovery Girl POV

"That's why I told you not to make the thing so God damn big" the constant noise made a person in the medical field sad. "A child to" it has been like this for an hour.

"Should we call the-"


I was amazed.


"Sh-shes alive. After that much strain on the body that is basically impossible" she then sat up so fast grasping for air. We tried to calm her down, "easy young lady you went through quite the beating. It seems during your moment of fame every single bone in your body snapped and pierced every single organ. It's a miracle your alive" I said.

Flow POV

'Think Flow think' "well I survived worse" that didn't help reassure them. "I'm fine really. But moving any more than I have now would probably hurt. Do you have anything for soreness" I said as the thorns backlash was kicking in. She gave me pain killers, "thank you Recovery Girl" I said as they helped me lay down.

But then two more heroes walked in. A animal and a uhhhh homeless man. That just made the flower laugh. "Thought we lost you there. That was some save" I thanked the animal. "May I ask your quirk" 'think can't be stretch' "Plant. I can manipulate my body to act like plant life" 'good save' I said in my head.

"I'm guessing that the strength is from your father. He was quite the show off" I was speechless. "Yes he went to school here. Even though he seemed different" I said I know a lot about him. "Well you are family" I guessed he was the principal. "What gave it away" he was surprised it was so simple.

"The way you talk. With so much authority. Thank you for looking out for me" suddenly Uncle Sans appeared.

"Heya Kiddo. Need a lift" I asked if he wanted. Suddenly his left eye started glowing and I started floating. Now I was jealous. But we left with them having many more questions. "Lucky I was in town huh. Frisk called me as soon as she saw you come back. So then now everyone is proud of you" we then got into a car and mom, dad and Aunt Chara was there. "Well kiddo guess you can tell your power now" "I'm not a kid anymore Sans" mom complained.

'I'm staying out of hey' I mentally drug him back. "Well anyway Flow. Your aware of like in a video game. Save, load and reset or now known as New Game" I nodded. "Well I guess you could say me and Chara share a soul but we worked it to where we have our own separate one" all this world talk was giving me a headache. But that felt like a lie.

I said to sum it up she has the video game option menu. "Correct" I said that's a little op. "Yet really dangerous. It to like timeline wise. My last save I forgot. I never found a save point on the surface so" my eyes widened. "Say if I do ever use my power it would be like you weren't here" I processed. "Quirks could kill just as easy as save. Just as magic could kill just like save. For example what you did for that boy last week" my brain broke.

"What but it felt like a day at most. I missed a whole week. Wait Mina could have beaten my score. But still" I freaked and they said monster time is much different than normal time. "Monster?" I then remembered what Paul said.

"They kept calling me a monster. So naturally I came to live with them" it made sort of sense. 'If magic is real then monsters is possible' but my eyes after I processed it went instantly to my Aunt and my mother. "I guess it makes sense why I don't have a cousin yet" they huffed.

"Blame them they are the ones that loved the pile of bones. So blame her" I sighed but chuckled. "But if you have the right interests I can see someone eventually falling for dad. Not to mention you flirt with everyone you meet" she huffed.

"I wonder what your score was. Even more so who destroyed the bot" I nodded because it felt like a strength enhancement. "Was I" I said thinking out loud.

'Are you able to do things without me knowing' my eyes widened and people noticed. 'Not kill anyone heheheh' it said in my head. They saw I went as white as a sheet. "I nevermind. I want to process what I just heard" they were curious.

Needless to say this combo between the two of us was what was going to bring the most chaotic team to ever exist.

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