Chapter 14

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Flow POV

We were now on our way when my parent's car passed me and my friends. I felt their aura. They were proud, worried and scared. Not to mention people do some crazy things out of fear. "Flow relax. Everything will be fine" Hagakure said. "I guess you're right. I have everyone else on my side but not having my parents on my side kinda hurts" I said. "Hey Mina mind if I stay at your house for a bit until I adjust to the situation" I asked but Flowey came out. "It's best actually if you are home. That way they could get used to seeing you being completely calm and friendly. Meaning you two and the guy have to come over more" he said, and I agreed.

So, from then on, we worked on that, and I think my parents were warming up. But then one day the letter came and when I received it, I jumped in excitement as a thing came out and both me and the flower were completely clueless. But we set it on a surface and fell over in surprise when All Might appeared suddenly.

"Greetings Young Dreemer it is me" he didn't have his excited voice. He explained that I got enough points by destroying robots. He even said I got fifty rescue points. "But you collapsed soon afterwards" I knew they wanted an answer how I suddenly came back to life. I almost didn't want to listen to the rest. "But" I turned back and the blond boy that I saved insisted that I got into at least one of the hero courses.

Like he wouldn't let up no matter what anyone said. "You certainly made an impact. We can't turn you away. So, Flow Dreemer welcome to UA high school" I let out a breath of relief.

"Good job" said both my parents. "Yea I can't wait. I mean you guys look awesome whenever I see you on the TV" they said it's no fun and games. That people's lives are on the line. "Roger" I said. "At least you're aware" I nodded, and they said the uniform would arrive soon. "The sound of a uniform while I'm here is terrifying" Flowey said. "Then don't come out when I'm at school that easy. Besides they might think I'm actually saying said thing. Your going to get me in trouble" "Flow our voices sound nothing alike. Mine is straight echo and demonic and yours is that of a normal highschool girl" I blinked and couldn't argue.

It at least made my mom chuckle. "At least you can pull off Sans teleport like it's almost instinct now. So, you don't have to waste energy". "Not to mention my huge magic supply." "Though I would love to see it when you grow back body parts or reattach them" that only made him laugh.

"Anyway, I wonder what I'll need. Probably the standard school stuff. I mean I could just go downstairs for that" I said mentioning the guest area. "So don't really need to worry about that" I said calculating everything.

But then suddenly a knock appeared at the door. I opened and it was Midoriya, and he said he got in general education. "Did you not get enough points" he said he didn't. "Sorry. But maybe you can get in another way" I said, and he said probably.

Midoriya knows all about everything since I told him. I mean I had to when Flowey opened his trap. "There is that sports festival thing right babe" I cringed at the pet names. "Yeah, it's where I first met what was his name. His hero name was Lemillion. We went to rescue a bunch of people caught up in a street brawl. A bunch were drug into it out of their own free will. It was so sad. Good thing we got everyone out safe" I said that was good.

"So, see your chance isn't over yet. Wow them there and you're bound to get in" he thanked me, and I then went to the elevator and worked on gathering school stuff.

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