Chapter 18

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Flow POV

I woke up, "still think it was a good idea telling him" "yea I want to clear the tense air. But who do you think he is. Who's the guy he was mentioning" I asked, and he said no idea. "Oh, I was wondering where are you from" it remained quiet. "Rather not say" I said fine and finished changing.

I then ate breakfast and left the house. I left on time today. Which of course made people happy but, on the way. I saw Paul in front of a home, and he was focusing on something. "Come on" I noticed he popped out of the body he was possessing. "Now I'm pooped" he then apologized sincerely then threw a dust at him and vanished. The man then snapped out of a daze then looked around. He then looked at the house and pulled out a key and unlocked the door and walked in.

"He probably wiped his memory. Though he'll be confused for a while. He will learn to accept that he missed some things. For example, he won't remember being possessed or even the monster homes" I said alright and continued. "He shouldn't remember something that he was forced to do. So don't feel bad for him" Flowey said.

But I eventually got to school, and they were happy to see me on time. "About time" I did a nervous laugh. "Well, I thought it would be best to start showing up on time now" I said but then I noticed Mr. Aizawa walk in and we both looked at each other.

Aizawa POV rewind

"That is an interesting turn of events" I told Nezu naturally. "She also wants to keep this under wraps until I'm guessing she wants to tell people. Nezu, can you do that. You know how powerful she is now. Not to mention the skill with lying" he went into thought.

"Can I keep this to myself. I believe I can. Until she is willing to tell people then I'll respect it. Just make sure she doesn't do anything rash. Like blow up the school or kill someone by accident. Don't get on her bad side" I nodded and walked to my classroom. When I entered me and said person immediately met eye contact with me. But she cautiously sat down.

Flow POV

I sat down at a nervous but normal pace. The school day went on and I was hardly paying attention. I mean who wouldn't if you told what I did to a teacher. When it was about lunch Mina and Toru came up to me. "Uhhh yeah I'll catch up" I said, and they left. When it was quiet in the hallway Aizawa, and I just stared. "So do I have to be worried or not" it remained quiet. "As long as you don't put any innocent people in danger then it's fine. I didn't see anything. Also knowing Nezu they told or more like ordered the rest of the staff the same thing I told him. Trust me I don't know what that creature is thinking" I was worried. "Don't worry nothing is going to happen. Your father told a teacher as well.

He also told me first out of the bunch. I wasn't in this class" I choose sunlight by the way. "Me and him became fast friends when we first met. More like he picked up that from your grandmother. Mind you forced me to meet her" I said sounds about right. "I was his. Oh, also he made his secret family not very secret. He is seriously bad at shutting his mouth. I lied. Well semi-lied. I know about magic. But I still prefer our ways of thinking. Which in turn made us fast rivals and enemies. But we never fought for real. Whenever he did Sans stopped him. Along with Mic stopping me. So, you can count on me of keeping this secret. But" he sighed.

"You're going to tell me something that your friends don't know about in exchange aren't you. Or even the principle" he sighed again. He then walked over to the door, and I sent a bug, and I was surprised Mr. Undercover wasn't spying in the hall. Or anywhere nearby. Heck even in the cameras. "Let's just say your father isn't really a fan of me either. I did catch you spotted it during the assessment test. I hate Endeavor for another reason" he sighed again and thought about something.

"Toshinori is going to kill me. I mean yeah no one knows. You seem good at keeping secrets. I won't tell anyone if you don't tell anyone" I agreed. "Ok then. You see before I got into UA and became friends with everyone here. Along with asked to work here. I was part of a bad crowd. So, Flow. This ice quirk didn't originally belong to me" I was baffled as the hallway started filling with noise.

Class started and the day went on like normal. But I couldn't pay attention all day. I mean if that information was dropped into your lap, then how would you react. I wanted to ask Sans but knew I shouldn't. I when the day ended said the same thing again to my friends. I then walked up to my homeroom teacher. "What do you mean. Then how did" "I don't use it because of how it was given to me. It was given to me out of pity. A villain took pity on me. He claimed I would be the greatest creation.

But he was never expecting me to turn on him. I had a plan. His quirk allowed him to take other quirks for himself. But he also can give quirks to others. So, he found out about my Eraser and took pity on how in opinion how weak my quirk was and gave me a stronger one. He wasn't expecting me to run as soon as he completed it. He never saw me again after that. But even if I hate him for giving it to me" he looked around and everyone including the principal left.

He put his books and folders in one arm. He went to a whisper, "my other quirk. Is almost similar to Todoroki. Ice shot. I can shoot ice shards from my hand or cover myself in ice armor. But I can also freeze whatever I touch" I was surprised.

"Remind me not to make you mad. But why do you not like telling people" we started walking out of the building slowly. "Let's just say the villain had done terrible things to friends of the staff here. Especially Nezu. I would only use it if necessary" I nodded.

"Like my power. It's too strong to use to its fullest. Only if those important are in danger" I said, and the aura was scary. "But you got to remember it's your power now. I think your friends you grew up with deserve to know" he sighed.

He debated. But he dropped me off at my house. 'I kept him out of our head' 'thank you' I said happy. "So, what we doing tomorrow" I asked. "Rescue training" I said alright and waved him goodbye. I walked in right as my dad was heading off to work. "What's wrong dad" I asked. "Nothing. How was your day" I shrugged. "Surprisingly boring. He said he would promise not to tell. Along with you two being rivals" he remained silent. "It's not like I was asking about you. I just asked him to keep it a secret" he said it's fine.

"Truthfully Aizawa was one with an enormous imagination. But as he got older his mind closed off. But you might have opened his eyes again. We might see him smile again. But it's all up to him" he then went to work.

"Weird" I said and Flowey agreed.

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